[email protected]

> I think an arsenal of comments which require the other person to show
> > proofs or reasons helps.
> Could you give a few examples? I have a hard time coming up with things
> on the spot. I usually sound defensive or loony. >>

My favorite comment so far was, "I knew a homeschooled kid once (read that as
ONE kid) and he was odd. Your kids seem fine, but they're young yet."

After asking a few questions, it turns out that he was being homeschooled
because his parents wanted him isolated from the evil and ungodly public
school students. I tried to explain to her he could have very well been what
she considered "odd" whether he went to public school or was homeschooled and
incidentally, there are plenty of "odd" kids that aren't homeschooled around.

Apparently, my kids aren't what she considers odd yet, but give them time.
Amy Kagey
E-mail me for a list of used
homeschooling books for sale!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Marjorie Kirk

> My favorite comment so far was, "I knew a homeschooled kid once (read that
> ONE kid) and he was odd. Your kids seem fine, but they're young yet."

My favorite has to be (from an e-schooler) "I would unschool, but my kids
are so smart...." I just stared open-mouthed!!! If I'd had my wits about
me, I would have said, "Yeah, it works real well for us because my kids are
dumb as doorknobs."
