Kathy Evans

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has read Escape From
Childhood and would recommend it. I have many of J.
Holts other books and love them.
Thanks for any feedback.

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Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema

It's one of the books that 'sent me over the edge' when deciding if I
should treat my kids like human beings, or (as I had been raised) vassals
(small grin.)
Obviously read before I started Unschooling!
I think it's a great book.

At 07:53 AM 4/23/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has read Escape From
>Childhood and would recommend it. I have many of J.
>Holts other books and love them.
>Thanks for any feedback.
>Do you Yahoo!?
>The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo
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"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” —Jeannette Rankin

Mark & Kristin Shields

John Holt never had children so you must be thinking of another author. I think the new Teach Your Own is a good starting point. I also like Learning All the Time, especially if you have younger kids. There's also Mary Griffith's, The Unschooling Handbook.

-----Original Message-----
From: HMSL2@... [SMTP:HMSL2@...]
I was wondering if some of the members of the group could tell me
what book is best to purchase first.

I bought one of his books a week or so ago. It is the one that begins when
his daughter was a baby and continues like a journal. The name slips my mind at
the moment. I just began reading it but I am having a tuff time holding my
interest in it. Maybe I have not read in far enough I dont know.
I have ordered the new "Teach Your Own" at B & N and it has arrived in the

What is a good Unschooling book to start with?
Who else is there other than John Holt?

Laura D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I was wondering if some of the members of the group could tell me
what book is best to purchase first.

<A HREF="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=2THDVOQ8ET&sourceid=00404804638068843795&bfdate=05%2D21%2D2003+20%3A12%3A26&isbn=0738206946&itm=6">Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Home Schooling</A>
<A HREF="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=2THDVOQ8ET&sourceid=00404804638068843795&bfdate=05%2D21%2D2003+20%3A12%3A26&isbn=0201484021&itm=4">How Children Fail</A>
<A HREF="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=2THDVOQ8ET&sourceid=00404804638068843795&bfdate=05%2D21%2D2003+20%3A12%3A26&isbn=0201550911&itm=7">Learning All the Time</A>

I bought one of his books a week or so ago. It is the one that begins when
his daughter was a baby and continues like a journal. The name slips my mind at
the moment. I just began reading it but I am having a tuff time holding my
interest in it. Maybe I have not read in far enough I dont know.
I have ordered the new "Teach Your Own" at B & N and it has arrived in the

What is a good Unschooling book to start with?
Who else is there other than John Holt?

Laura D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/2003 8:40:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
mkshields@... writes:

> Laura,
> John Holt never had children so you must be thinking of another author. I
> think the new Teach Your Own is a good starting point. I also like Learning
> All the Time, especially if you have younger kids. There's also Mary
> Griffith's, The Unschooling Handbook.
> Kristin

I think I need to go get it and see who's book I bought.

I picked up the Unschooling Handbook a few years ago, that's the book that
brought me to Unschooling.

Laura D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Kelli Traaseth


I also really liked Teach Your Own and Learning All the Time.

Learning All the Time really hit home the idea of Natural Learning to me. I havn't read How Children Fail.


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--- In Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com, "Kelli Traaseth"
<tktraas@p...> wrote:
> Laura,
> I also really liked Teach Your Own and Learning All the Time.
> Learning All the Time really hit home the idea of Natural Learning
to me. I havn't read How Children Fail.
> Kelli

How Children Learn quotes a lot from a book called "Biography of a
Baby" and has plenty in it about observing young nieces and nephews.
Which is where the idea may have come from, that John Holt had

I'll be getting his "Teach Your Own" soon as we can afford it.


> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ~~~~ Don't forget! If you change topics, change the subject line!
> If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list,
please email the moderator, Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@e...), or the
list owner, Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@h...).
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/03 6:31:47 PM, HMSL2@... writes:

<< <A


38206946&itm=6">Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Home Schooling</A> >>

Definitely. It just came out. Did anyone save that discount link?

One is about school and so will be depressing, and the other other is largely
about music (which *I* thought was cool, but not as a main John Holt source).


In a message dated 5/21/03 6:40:23 PM, mkshields@... writes:

<< I also like Learning All the Time, especially if you have younger kids.

OH YEAH. I messed up, sorry. I glanced, voted "A" and didn't look carefully.

I LOVE Learning All the Time. It's good too. So between that and Teach Your

The latter was out of print for years and so it's cool to have. The other,
though, if it's cheaper, is really inspiring and (if I remember correctly)
easier reading, more flowing. (And if I'm wrong AGAIN in so short a time, I won't
even be surprised.)



The book i have is "How Children Learn" by John Holt

He was writing about a child named Lisa. I assumed she was his child. I
looked further into the book and I guess there are other children. I am
thinking they are children he observed. Opps

I found the book by accident. Barnes and Noble said they didn't have any John
Holt books in stock. When I went back to the Isle to look for a different
book there it was right in front of me.

I am going to read this one I just think I was attempting to read the Preface
and the first few pages while feeding the baby in the am and it was not
grabbing me.

Laura D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/2003 9:32:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, HMSL2@...

> I found the book by accident. Barnes and Noble said they didn't have any
> John
> Holt books in stock. When I went back to the Isle to look for a different
> book there it was right in front of me.
> I am going to read this one I just think I was attempting to read the
> Preface
> and the first few pages while feeding the baby in the am and it was not
> grabbing me

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/2003 9:32:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, HMSL2@...

oops!! sent "send" too soon...

> I found the book by accident. Barnes and Noble said they didn't have any
> John
> Holt books in stock. When I went back to the Isle to look for a different
> book there it was right in front of me.
> I am going to read this one I just think I was attempting to read the
> Preface
> and the first few pages while feeding the baby in the am and it was not
> grabbing me

Consider yourself lucky and blessed to have discovered him while your
children are still very young. We've been homeschooling about 13 years, and
I read my first John Holt book about 2 weeks ago...it's "How Children Learn."
I just ordered the new "Teach Your Own" and have started it.

I WISH WISH WISH I had read these books a long time ago. We have always been
very eclectic and often went for months and months without a curriculum, and
even then tended to just use library books. But there are so many arguments,
frustrations, and tears that could have been avoided through the years had I
known about unschooling and peaceful parenting/NCP when my kids were much
younger. :o(


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tammy Thompson

Teach Your Own

Tammy Thompson.
-------Original Message-------

From: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 19:32:33
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] John Holt books

I was wondering if some of the members of the group could tell me
what book is best to purchase first.

<A HREF="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry
A12%3A26&isbn=0738206946&itm=6">Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Home
<A HREF="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry
A12%3A26&isbn=0201484021&itm=4">How Children Fail</A>
<A HREF="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry
A12%3A26&isbn=0201550911&itm=7">Learning All the Time</A>

I bought one of his books a week or so ago. It is the one that begins when
his daughter was a baby and continues like a journal. The name slips my mind
the moment. I just began reading it but I am having a tuff time holding my
interest in it. Maybe I have not read in far enough I dont know.
I have ordered the new "Teach Your Own" at B & N and it has arrived in the

What is a good Unschooling book to start with?
Who else is there other than John Holt?

Laura D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).

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email to:

Visit the Unschooling website: http://www.unschooling.com

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mark & Kristin Shields

I have to admit I also found it hard to get into How Children Learn and How Children Fail. However, if you get interested in John Holt's life and how he came to his ideas these might be interesting to you. I also like A Life Worth Living which is edited by Susannah Sheffer and includes his many letters throughout his life. Never Too Late is a fascinating look at the way he taught himself to play the cello. Interesting if you like that sort of thing, though not really about homeschooling kids. I haven't read Escape from Childhood in a really long time, but I remember it being pretty radical.

I just thought of another one that really grabbed me when I read it about 7 years ago. It's called Real Lives- eleven teenagers who don't go to school by Grace Llewellyn. I read it when my daughter was 3 and was just amazed at all the possibilities for older kids.

-----Original Message-----
From: HMSL2@... [SMTP:HMSL2@...]
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 3:23 PM
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] John Holt books

The book i have is "How Children Learn" by John Holt

He was writing about a child named Lisa. I assumed she was his child. I
looked further into the book and I guess there are other children. I am
thinking they are children he observed. Opps

I found the book by accident. Barnes and Noble said they didn't have any John
Holt books in stock. When I went back to the Isle to look for a different
book there it was right in front of me.

I am going to read this one I just think I was attempting to read the Preface
and the first few pages while feeding the baby in the am and it was not
grabbing me.

Laura D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/2003 9:02:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,
tktraas@... writes:

> Laura,
> I also really liked Teach Your Own and Learning All the Time.
> Learning All the Time really hit home the idea of Natural Learning to me.
> I havn't read How Children Fail.

Thank you,

Learning all the Time is one I have considered purchasing. Our library is
smaller than a Walmart bathroom and they dont have any Holt books. I prefer
my own any way that way if I sill something on it or the dog chews it up I
dont have to pay for a new-used book.

Laura D
<A HREF="www.whimsicaltoys.com">www.whimsicaltoys.com</A>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/2003 9:17:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> Did anyone save that discount link?

I know someone sent a web site through a couple weeks ago. I thought I added
it to my favorites but I cannot find it.
I think it's 16.20 online but in the store if you have your HS discount card
it's 20% off. Online you have to buy two books at B & N to get free shipping.
I ordered mine in the store and strongly suggested they order in more with

Laura D

<A HREF="http://whimsicaltoys.safeshopper.com/about.htm?509">www.whimsicaltoys.com</A>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Madeline Rains

I read Learning All the Time when my oldest was a baby and it is the reason I decided to homeschool. truly. I did lend it out and got away from its inspiration as a result and am just now, having gotten it back, getting back into unschooling. This is my first post here on this list. Get this book and don't lend it out!! Buy it for other people before you lend it. Teach Your Own looks great. Thank you so much Sandra for sending that link for the discounted copy.

HMSL2@... wrote:In a message dated 5/21/2003 9:02:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,
tktraas@... writes:

> Laura,
> I also really liked Teach Your Own and Learning All the Time.
> Learning All the Time really hit home the idea of Natural Learning to me.
> I havn't read How Children Fail.

Thank you,

Learning all the Time is one I have considered purchasing. Our library is
smaller than a Walmart bathroom and they dont have any Holt books. I prefer
my own any way that way if I sill something on it or the dog chews it up I
dont have to pay for a new-used book.

Laura D
<A HREF="www.whimsicaltoys.com">www.whimsicaltoys.com</A>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Karen McLaughlin

> I LOVE Learning All the Time. It's good too. So between that and Teach
> Own...
> The latter was out of print for years and so it's cool to have. The
> though, if it's cheaper, is really inspiring and (if I remember correctly)
> easier reading, more flowing. (And if I'm wrong AGAIN in so short a time,
I won't
> even be surprised.)

Learning All the Time *is* a really quick and easy read. I think it's the
book that finally got my dh truly comfortable with the idea of unschooling.
The fact that it was "short and sweet" was helpful, because although he
enjoys reading it takes him *forever* (or so it seems to a book-obsessed
fast reader like myself <g>) to get through a book. I generally read a lot
more books than he does, and then suggest to him the one or two I think
would be most valuable for him to pursue. Anyhow, I would also strongly
recommend this one too!



In a message dated 5/21/2003 10:55:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,
karenmcl@... writes:

> Learning All the Time *is* a really quick and easy read. I think it's the
> book that finally got my dh truly comfortable with the idea of unschooling.
> The fact that it was "short and sweet" was helpful, because although he
> enjoys reading it takes him *forever* (or so it seems to a book-obsessed
> fast reader like myself <g>) to get through a book. I generally read a lot
> more books than he does, and then suggest to him the one or two I think
> would be most valuable for him to pursue. Anyhow, I would also strongly
> recommend this one too!
> Karen

Thank you for all the replies that was great!

Learning all the Time sounds to be the one I should start with.
I am still getting the new one but I wanted a second because I am feeling
like I am
in a funk.

Thanks again,

Laura D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/03 7:24:08 PM, HMSL2@... writes:

<< The book i have is "How Children Learn" by John Holt

<<He was writing about a child named Lisa. I assumed she was his child. I
looked further into the book and I guess there are other children. I am
thinking they are children he observed. Opps >>

He was teaching, so it was probably about kids in his class at one time or
At the time that was written, he was involved in school reform.
When he gave up on school reform, he wrote Teach Your Own.

<<I am going to read this one I just think I was attempting to read the
and the first few pages while feeding the baby in the am and it was not
grabbing me.>>

Starting with a preface rarely makes a book better for me! (

Skip around! Nobody's watching, and you don't have to make a report!

Just look at the pictures. If it doesn't have any, draw some!



Have A Nice Day!

Skip around! Nobody's watching, and you don't have to make a report!

Just look at the pictures. If it doesn't have any, draw some<<<<<<

LOL! I got quite a chuckle out of this. I often start a book from the back, or the middle :o). Can't say I've ever added illustrations though <grin>

----- Original Message -----
From: SandraDodd@...
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 1:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] John Holt books

In a message dated 5/21/03 7:24:08 PM, HMSL2@... writes:

<< The book i have is "How Children Learn" by John Holt

<<He was writing about a child named Lisa. I assumed she was his child. I
looked further into the book and I guess there are other children. I am
thinking they are children he observed. Opps >>

He was teaching, so it was probably about kids in his class at one time or
At the time that was written, he was involved in school reform.
When he gave up on school reform, he wrote Teach Your Own.

<<I am going to read this one I just think I was attempting to read the
and the first few pages while feeding the baby in the am and it was not
grabbing me.>>

Starting with a preface rarely makes a book better for me! (

Skip around! Nobody's watching, and you don't have to make a report!

Just look at the pictures. If it doesn't have any, draw some!



Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

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If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the moderator, Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@...), or the list owner, Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).

To unsubscribe from this group, click on the following link or address an email to:

Visit the Unschooling website: http://www.unschooling.com

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Robyn Coburn

"How Children Fail" records a lot of his experiences with the elementary
school children in his classes and other kids of that age he observed.
"How Children Learn" records his observations and interactions with
toddlers and pre-school aged kids before the school experience had
destroyed their natural learning. Lisa was the child of two of his close
friends, and there was also another boy in the same family. He seemed to
be kind of like a favorite uncle to them, often visiting. I have the
latest edition of these books, and what I love about them is that he
made notes about previous statements, sometimes elaborating, and
sometimes to the effect of "I was wrong then, and sorry I wrote that.
Here's what I believe now." This was a man of immense compassion and a
love of children. If you can afford it, buy the latest revised updates.

Robyn Coburn

<<He was teaching, so it was probably about kids in his class at one
time or another.At the time that was written, he was involved in school
When he gave up on school reform, he wrote Teach Your Own.>>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Kelli Traaseth

**Get this book and don't lend it out!! **

That's what happened to my Learning All the Time too! I think its in Florida, or Colorado?

Victoria, are you still on this list? If you're done with it, you want to send mine back? <g>


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 5/21/2003 8:30:03 PM Central Standard Time,
Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com writes:

> Did anyone save that discount link?
Here it is: <A HREF="http://www.fun-books.com/specials.htm">http://www.fun-books.com/specials.htm</A>
I ordered my copy right after this link was originally posted The book came
very quickly and I have been enjoying re-reading one of my favorite books of
all time!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]