Tia Leschke

Yet another post with its bottom chopped off. I wish I knew why this

>>Thank you Rebecca,This is also something that I wanted to do, however I
was told that due to their ages 10 & 6, they do not have a choice as to
going or not. My 6 yr old Catherine only refers to him as dad because her
sister does. Catherine was 1 when I left, she always screamed when he came
to pick them up. They spend more time with their stepmom then with him on
their weekends and I have suggested ending visitation since they seem to be
an "inconvienence" for them. ~Money seems to be an issue also. He feels he
should "get his money worth" so to speak. Which is funny because he owes
over $8000 in child support. Since paying support is such a thorn in his
side and he does not try to contact them in any other way except scheduled
visits, I suggested that he sign over his rights and we could wipe the slate
clean. Meaning we could forget what he owes the girls and never have to pay
child support again. I would still allow visits but it would be on the girls
terms. Suprisingly he said no. I feel this is a >>