[email protected]

Please hold off a while on this kind of stuff about spanking:

<< I don't

think you hate your children. I think you just don't understand. It's a

shame. I'm starting to think now that you don't want to understand. That's a

shame too. >>

Here's why I'm asking this.

It's okay if someone's spanking who is on the way to changing various aspects
of parenting. Many of already believe it's hard to maintain a little island
of control once the controlling starts to relax and the trust and respect
come streaming in.

And if one family is spanking, it doesn't matter to me because for one thing,
I know millions of families are. And for a more important thing, every
single time this discussion comes around, another family stops spanking. It
isn't always the family engaged in the debate. Sometimes it's just a lurking
reader, or something is written which a non-spanking lurker prints out and
passes to a sister or neighbor or friend.

We don't need to beat up a spanker to show that hitting is bad.
That's back to the original dilemma.
