Joshua Heath

>From: "A. Yates" <hooperck@...>
>"Captain Underpants"??????????????????????
>Please explain. I'm afraid that sounds mighty interesting!
It is the newest book by Dav Pilkey, "Captain Underpants and the Perilous
Plot of Proffessor Poopypants"

The humor is a little on the goofy/gross side, but its all pretty harmless
and actually the underlying social commentary is making fun of public
schools and how useless and boring they can be if the teachers are boring
people just putting in their time there. It is put out by SCHOLASTIC. This
morning we were rolling on the ground laughing as we read the part about the
professor with the silly name making everyone else change their names... Of
course we had to see what our names would become.... we were the
"Waffleshorts" Family and my kids were Poopsie and Gidget! They thought it
was histarical.... and I couldnt help but join them :-)
Certainly not for everyone, but then we have never represented the taste of
"everyone" !!