Bikes vs Cars
We live in Davis, Cal. I think there are more bikes than people. Tim has biked to work for 20 years. In college a car was only needed to get you out of Davis. I think a tank of gas lasts me 1 month if we stay in town. We ride most places if the weather is nice, if we leave early. We drive too. Tim stays on bike paths all the way to work. He has opted for a longer safer bike commute because some car drivers do not respect bike lanes, even here. Most dangerous drivers, Mothers late getting their offspring to some facility (school, daycare, soccer) Young college students from other cities.
We rent so we can stay close enough to bike. We could buy in another town and Tim could drive a car to work. His bike commute keeps us here. When we find that perfect acerage someday, we will move.
Mary H. who tows a trailer full of baseball equipment behind her bike. 3 year old strapped in the bike seat. 6 and 8 year old riding alongside.
We rent so we can stay close enough to bike. We could buy in another town and Tim could drive a car to work. His bike commute keeps us here. When we find that perfect acerage someday, we will move.
Mary H. who tows a trailer full of baseball equipment behind her bike. 3 year old strapped in the bike seat. 6 and 8 year old riding alongside.