Kelly Lenhart

>Hey, we don't have a car - by choice!
>Donna Andrea in Nova Scotia

We haven't had one, living in urban PA for almost 4 years. We are getting
one this fall, a minivan no less. In that four years we have gone from one
3.5 year old to a 7 year old, a 2 year old and we'll have a new born. I
have reached the limit of what I feel I can handle without one. It is
begining to limit what I can do for/with the kids. And for/with my family.
In other words--the benefits finacially and health wise are no longer
outweighed by other benefits.

But I've been glad to have these years. Glad that we all had to be more
thoughtful about what we do.

On the other hand, I'll be really glad not to take three kids on the city

It's all about trade offs. If you feel you are still giving enough options
and don't feel trapped by no car (I didn't for years) then good for you.
They cost a bloody fortune! That's money for other things.
