David & Debra

>No Work Garden
maybe "Lasagna Gardening?" - have been using the 'method' for a year or
so and it IS easy and very effective, too. It suits our style - not a lot
of work, pretty foolpfoof and LOTS of results

For reading - have a look at Diana' Gabaldon's series -
Outlander, Voyager, ( forget one title) and Dragonfly in Amber - 3 more
books to come. David got me the Companion to the series for Christmas and
acknowledged with a kiss that he was unlikely to get the chance again
until the book was devoured (hee hee).
Make sure your library has all volumes before starting - or get that
interlibrary loan thing going! There is a site I like (clevermoms.com)
that has quite a few book discount coupon codes for Borders, B & N and so

David is reading Clive Cussler's newest novel - says it is almost as good
as the Dirk Pitt ones (new main character) and is on the 3rd Harry Potter
with our daughter Hannah. 14 year old son Davy - who started reading at
8 and a half - is now reading Lord of the Rings series again and
impatiently waiting for another David Eddings (read that ENTIRE series
twice, too). Recently discovered a novel by David Drake, "Lord of the
Isles" and is scouting today for a prequel or sequel. I read it, too -
very good. Armus is having us read him fish stuff fish stuff and more
fish stuff as he just started an aquarium.


David & Debra

>Either you stop lying on the
>rabbit or I'll have to put him away..or ..If you don't cooperate while I
>change your diaper, you'll go to bed naked

sound like common sense natural consequences to me - the simpler the


In a message dated 2/7/2000 9:00:27 AM Central Standard Time, daubes@...

<< Diana' Gabaldon's series -
Outlander, Voyager, ( forget one title) and Dragonfly in Amber - >>
I love these books! I get completely engrossed while reading them, and
sometimes it takes me awhile to get back to "real life" when I've been
reading for awhile.

**** Kim ****
runs with scissors

