
I woke up this morning to find that the tv in the playroom died. Just like that. Fine last night, dead today with only sound. Alyssa wanted to watch Scooby Doo. I sent her into Tara's room to watch it. I solemnly went into Sierra's room where her and Joseph were playing to give them the bad news. I was rather upset. Makes things very difficult not having a tv in the playroom. I gave them the bad news and they both looked at me like I was from Mars. They said they both new about it when they turned it on this morning. Went back to what they were doing and I haven't heard the first word about what's wrong with it or when it will be fixed. Alyssa watched about 20 minutes of Scooby and left Tara's room to play.

If I limited to 1 hour a day, (or 2 or 3) there is no doubt in my mind that they would be very upset now.

Mary B

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Rebecca DeLong

Our tv just did the same thing, it was a blown fuse. About 2.50 at Radio Shack for 4 of them. If you take the back off your tv there should be a list of the parts, and you can pick up a replacement part. Just read carefully, the whole paper, we got the fuses put them in and they just kept popping, read a little further down, in the notes section and found out we have to order the fuse from the company, so into the shop the tv goes. :-P,
hth Rebecca
Mary <mummy124@...> wrote:I woke up this morning to find that the tv in the playroom died. Just like that. Fine last night, dead today with only sound. Alyssa wanted to watch Scooby Doo. I sent her into Tara's room to watch it. I solemnly went into Sierra's room where her and Joseph were playing to give them the bad news. I was rather upset. Makes things very difficult not having a tv in the playroom. I gave them the bad news and they both looked at me like I was from Mars. They said they both new about it when they turned it on this morning. Went back to what they were doing and I haven't heard the first word about what's wrong with it or when it will be fixed. Alyssa watched about 20 minutes of Scooby and left Tara's room to play.

If I limited to 1 hour a day, (or 2 or 3) there is no doubt in my mind that they would be very upset now.

Mary B

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From: "Rebecca DeLong" <elfmama@...>

<<Our tv just did the same thing, it was a blown fuse. About 2.50 at Radio
Shack for 4 of them. If you take the back off your tv there should be a list
of the parts, and you can pick up a replacement part. Just read carefully,
the whole paper, we got the fuses put them in and they just kept popping,
read a little further down, in the notes section and found out we have to
order the fuse from the company, so into the shop the tv goes. :-P,>>

Thanks Rebecca. I'll have Joe check. Of course we already have a brand new
tv sitting in there but it helps before we ditch the old one!!

Mary B