[email protected]

<<would be interested in how others step out of the way of their kids and not
pass on all the issue based in social conformity. from what i've seen some
of the greatest injustices perpetrated against kids is in the name of social
conformity. >>

In almost every religion on earth there is a "golden rule". Basically do unto to others as you would have done unto yourself. My favorite though is the wiccan creed which is "An' it harm none, do what thou wilt". I prefer this because you are included in the none. Do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone else. I encourage my children when we encounter difficult situations to not only "walk a mile in the other persons shoes" but to also examine how they are feeling. Parents now encourage children to "use their words" but they don't help them find the words for their feelings. I'm not worried about social conformity...in fact it doesn't even enter my mind. I just keep my goal for my children in mind at all times. I want them to be happy, healthy adults. This means that they will need to learn many things, not only mentally but also emotionally. So I just follow my heart and hope for the best. :)


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Beth Burnham

"An' it harm none, do what thou wilt". I prefer this because you are
included in the none. Do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt you or
anyone else. I encourage my children when we encounter difficult situations
to not only "walk a mile in the other persons shoes" but to also examine how
they are feeling.

Heather that is so cool.I think Wiccan traditions are amazing for overcoming
conformity issues and would love to learn more of their beliefs.

[email protected]

"Heather that is so cool.I think Wiccan traditions are amazing for overcoming
conformity issues and would love to learn more of their beliefs.
Beth "

Right now I am on a religious quest. So I have been reading everything I can get my hands on. I was baptised Catholic, attended both Catholic and Methodist churches growing up. I also once went to a Baptist church. Since I've been married I've gone to Luthern and non-denominational churches. These religions just don't speak to me. I've started learning about the Wiccans and am very impressed with how natural their religions are. Though I'm not an expert and am still learning myself, I could send you a reading list if you're interested.


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Tom & Nanci Kuykendall

"An' it harm none, do what thou wilt". I prefer this because you are
>included in the none. Do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt you or
>anyone else. I encourage my children when we encounter difficult situations
>to not only "walk a mile in the other persons shoes" but to also examine how
>they are feeling.
>Heather that is so cool.I think Wiccan traditions are amazing for overcoming
>conformity issues and would love to learn more of their beliefs.

Are there any Pagan families on this list?

Nanci K.


Are there any Pagan families on this list?

Nanci K.

Why, yes.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day
to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human
being can fight and never stop fighting."
--e.e. cummings

Tom & Nanci Kuykendall

>Are there any Pagan families on this list?
>Nanci K.
>Why, yes.

Wonderful! That makes two of us at least! Merry Meet!

Nanci K.


Merry meet Nanci! There are some great Pagan homeschool sites out there, are
you on any?
