In a message dated 3/26/03 9:50:30 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Do you think that they can be exposed daily to the
ads without falling for them? >>

Do you?
How is it that WE don't fall for all these ads? How is it that all ads are
I see a lot of cool things advertised. I discuss the creative ways that ads
make you want what they advertise.
Why would you want to try and hide societal views from your children? This IS
our society, like it or not. I think kids exposed to tons of views and
information are far better equipped to make healthy decisions than those that
were kept from some part of information.
Our children will have different views than us on a lot of things. Why would
our personal feelings about sugar or tv be better than their own feelings?
Kids can make up their own minds about stuff, just like we do.

"The sun is shining--the sun is shining. That is the magic. The flowers are
growing--the roots are stirring. That is the magic. Being alive is the
magic--being strong is the magic The magic is in me--the magic is in
me....It's in every one of us."

----Frances Hodgson Burnett


Okay, I just have known people who have fallen for the ads and it's really
SAD! But you're right, if we are encouraging our children to think for
themselves we can trust that they will.
Thanks again. (We're going over to visit friends today who don't own a TV
and we will be talking about my decision to take away the limits from the
TV. That was the one area I wasn't sure about.)

----- Original Message -----
From: <starsuncloud@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 2:59 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] ads

> In a message dated 3/26/03 9:50:30 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Do you think that they can be exposed daily to the
> ads without falling for them? >>
> Do you?
> How is it that WE don't fall for all these ads? How is it that all ads are
> bad?
> I see a lot of cool things advertised. I discuss the creative ways that
> make you want what they advertise.
> Why would you want to try and hide societal views from your children? This
> our society, like it or not. I think kids exposed to tons of views and
> information are far better equipped to make healthy decisions than those
> were kept from some part of information.
> Our children will have different views than us on a lot of things. Why
> our personal feelings about sugar or tv be better than their own feelings?
> Kids can make up their own minds about stuff, just like we do.
> Ren
> "The sun is shining--the sun is shining. That is the magic. The flowers
> growing--the roots are stirring. That is the magic. Being alive is the
> magic--being strong is the magic The magic is in me--the magic is in
> me....It's in every one of us."
> ----Frances Hodgson Burnett
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