[email protected]

Dear List,

I am not sure what the most important thing I want to express about our
little family.

I am a 28 year old parent of two boys- seven and nine...my seven year old
shows s/s of ADD as determined by a counselor that I hired to help try to
motivate him in school. His first grade teacher expressed that his level of
maturity are below his age group and was afraid of him falling behind in the
long term...then his second grade teacher blew off my concerns and
suggestions about how to help him in class...I have always beleived in
listening to my children...so I got his input on what might help him...but
she didn't agree...this was about two weeks ago. I spent a friday evening at
work agonizing over what I was going to do to help him...I determind that the
following monday (Jan 24th) that I would check into charter schools and
private montessori schools...I couldn't sleep the sunday before and ended up
getting on the internet and looking into homeschooling. Everything I read
supported how I was feeling and some such...Monday I actually called the
county superintendent and wrote my younger son's teacher a letter explaining
how I felt she and his class actually did him a disservice...(lol) and then
tuesday I checked out about thirty books from the library...the one that made
the most sense to me is the one on Unschooling by Mary Griffith...I withdrew
them from school on Jan 31st...I decided that I didn't want to wait to start
the deschooling process...

My family is not surprised at my decision as I have always been the more
'radical' of my siblings... and my mother wants to partner with me in the
adventure of homeschooling...we both work at the same nursing home...I being
the charge nurse of my unit on evenings and she is the med nurse...she is
transferring to day shift on the same unit so that she can work with them
while I am at work. I think that my mom is just as excited as I am with our
adventure. She has been rearranging and organizing her 'project studio' to
accomadate my kids to be invlolved at her apt...we actually live next door to
each other...

If you haven't gathered yet...I am a single parent...I have always been a
single parent and I foresee continueing in this particular lifestyle...the
only thing that I didn't get from my reading is a strong sense of support for
the single parent choosing to home/un school...but I know in my heart that I
have made the right desision (sp).

Anyways...just wanted to share some about us...today we have started growing
salt crystals and made play do with flour and salt...


[email protected]

In a message dated 2/3/00 3:45:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, Androdite@...

<< the
only thing that I didn't get from my reading is a strong sense of support
the single parent choosing to home/un school... >>
I am not sure if you are referring to not finding much written about single
parent home schoolers, or if you got the feeling that people really didn't
support single parent hsing. Which ever, I am sure you will find loads of
support on this list. we do have several single moms currently on the list,
and right now several people have been trying to help me help a single mom.
It is true that there are not a large amount of single parent hsers, because
they don't have the work opportunities, or the support (your mom) that you
do. So you have a great deal goin for you, your flexible work schedule, your
mom, and us!
welcome to the list.