
Hi, I'm new to this list. We have 3 children ages 13, 12 and 8. We
are not new to homeschooling but still not passed the "self-doubt"
stage, if that is at all possible. After reading the headlines about
the Vermont family's ordeal (educational neglect) and considering we
have a skeptical Grandmother on our heels, I reacted with, well,
I believe in the "unschooling" approach, yet, I confess that at times
it does prove un-nerving for me. Because it would appear that my
children do "nothing". My 8yr. old doesn't read but has the richest
imagination, draws anime for hours, and basically enjoys doing his
own thing. My oldest son (13) is gifted in music, he is able to play
many instruments by ear and I take him weekly to a blues club to play
with musicians of his caliber. My daughter (12) wants to return to
school and orchestrates her own learning into weekly assignments
(which I think is an incredible demonstration of time mgmt.,
organizational skills as well as determination). This is really an
abbreviated version of our life. Does anyone have any suggestions
for dealing with the doubt, criticisms, etc...that one inevitibly
goes through. Oh, did I mention I hate the record keeping part of
homeschooling? I keep a journal, but not religiously.


I missed the part where your children do nothing. They sound quite
impressive to me!
Mary Ellen

----- snip----- > I believe in the "unschooling" approach, yet, I confess
that at times
> it does prove un-nerving for me. Because it would appear that my
> children do "nothing". My 8yr. old doesn't read but has the richest
> imagination, draws anime for hours, and basically enjoys doing his
> own thing. My oldest son (13) is gifted in music, he is able to play
> many instruments by ear and I take him weekly to a blues club to play
> with musicians of his caliber. My daughter (12) wants to return to
> school and orchestrates her own learning into weekly assignments
> (which I think is an incredible demonstration of time mgmt.,
> organizational skills as well as determination). This is really an
> abbreviated version of our life.


In a message dated 3/18/03 7:59:12 AM, TSUGASKI@... writes:

<< Oh, did I mention I hate the record keeping part of
homeschooling? I keep a journal, but not religiously. >>

Where are you? You shouldn't have to keep a journal anywhere.

-=- Does anyone have any suggestions
for dealing with the doubt, criticisms, etc...that one inevitibly
goes through. -=-

Hang around at www.unschooling.com and help others who are newer, and read
what's already there. That will help you be more confident.



In a message dated 3/18/2003 1:04:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> Where are you? You shouldn't have to keep a journal anywhere.
Uh huh. In South Carolina you have to keep a journal, daily log,
portfolio---some kind of record keeping. In each of the following: reading,
writing, 'rithmatic, social studies, & science. Upper grades: add composition
& literature. Every state's different. Check your laws.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Have a Nice Day!

----- Original Message -----
From: kbcdlovejo@...
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] looking for affirmation

In a message dated 3/18/2003 1:04:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> Where are you? You shouldn't have to keep a journal anywhere.
Uh huh. In South Carolina you have to keep a journal, daily log,
portfolio---some kind of record keeping. In each of the following: reading,
writing, 'rithmatic, social studies, & science. Upper grades: add composition
& literature. Every state's different. Check your laws.<<<<
Same in PA.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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In a message dated 3/18/03 11:50:44 AM, kbcdlovejo@... writes:

<< Uh huh. In South Carolina you have to keep a journal, daily log,
portfolio---some kind of record keeping. >>

A portfolio isn't a journal. And none of it has to be done daily.

Teachers don't keep a journal on each student, or a daily log. They have
some kind of record keeping, but it's TRULY nowhere near a daily journal.



> >>Where are you? You shouldn't have to keep a journal anywhere.>>>

I'm from Australia so I'm a little unsure of how things work for you guys.
We are expected to register with the Education Dept and meet with a
moderator once a year with a program that complies with the 'Curriculum
Framework' that is in use at public schools.

I haven't had any problems so far but this is our first year of unschooling
so I'm thinking a journal would be a good idea. The moderator is new to the
job and is a very pleasant person but is still teaching and wants to see
lots of paperwork.

I'm not due to see him till later on in the year but I do get panicky when I
think about it. A friend suggested to me that I make a yearbook. She does
one and her kids love to read it from time to time to remember the year. She
puts in favourite pictures, photos, writes about the places they've been
etc. We began one this year and the kids love contributing to it. I'm hoping
it will count as record keeping!


> ~~~~ Don't forget! If you change topics, change the subject line! ~~~~
> If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email
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