In a message dated 3/17/03 1:10:42 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Dreaming's bad, he should finish his work. >>

When I was in school...especially during the elementary years, I would often
get good marks on my report card but in the comments something about me
"daydreaming" too much would be noted.
As if it were a BAD thing!! ACK.
Good thing my parents laughed it off and didn't punish me, I'd really be a
wreck today if I'd been forced to quit daydreaming. :)

"The sun is shining--the sun is shining. That is the magic. The flowers are
growing--the roots are stirring. That is the magic. Being alive is the
magic--being strong is the magic The magic is in me--the magic is in
me....It's in every one of us."

----Frances Hodgson Burnett

In a message dated 3/17/03 12:51:24 PM, starsuncloud@... writes:

<< I'd really be a
wreck today if I'd been forced to quit daydreaming. :) >>

And how would one DO that anyway?

I think the most you could do would be change the daydreams from happy flying
ponies to murderous revenge daydreams.


In a message dated 3/17/03 2:51:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,
starsuncloud@... writes:

> When I was in school...especially during the elementary years, I would often
> get good marks on my report card but in the comments something about me
> "daydreaming" too much would be noted.
> As if it were a BAD thing!! ACK.

I always got good grades but mine would always say "talks too much" go
figure. LOL
Pam G.

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