zenmomma *

>>Hello all. My name is Wendy and I am the mother of an amazing and
>incredible 11 year old boy.>>

Hi Wendy and welcome. I just love the way you started this email. :o) I wish
that all parents would first see their kids as wonderful and amazing.
Everything else is just details.

>>I've gotten somewhat better over the past few years, but recently
>>(literally days ago) my son approached me with the idea of unschooling.>>

He DOES sound amazing. Sounds like he's done his research and has the
confidence to forge a different path.

>>and eventually latched on to my own interests and am now an avid reader,
>>writer, learner, liver, etc. Why can't I trust my son to do the same?>>

You've been conditioned by the "experts" not to trust your son. It's a
pretty all encompassing societal message. There's no shame. You're open to
this new idea. That's a good thing.

>>I'm afraid he'll never be motivated to pick up a book or look up something
>>that he's interested in. I worry that college will be out of his reach.>>

Why not just take some time off altogether to deschool and get used to this
new way of living. Get yourself used to observing the learning that is going
on. It won't look like school-research papers, book reports, etc-but it will
be learning for the sake of getting information he needs. Parent him NOW as
an 11 year old incredible, amazing boy. College is well within his reach,
but you don't need to stress over it NOW. That's for the schools.

Life is good.

"The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green
earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive."

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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