Have a Nice Day!

Here's the goop recipe. I halve it (saves on the glue <grin>).


Solution A:

1c white glue
5-10 drops of food coloring (or 2 T liquid tempera paint)
1 c water

Solution B:

1 1/3c warm water
4 tsp borax

To make:

1 Mix ingredients in solution A together in a medium bowl.

2. In a second medium bowl, mix the ingredients in solution B together until the borax is completely dissolved.

3. Slowly pour Solution A into solution B (Do not mix!)

4. Roll solution A around in solution B 4-5 times.

5. Lift soln. A out of soln B and knead for 2-3 minutes.

6. Store in airtight container or plastic ziplock bag.


Today is even more important than tomorrow because "today" is a gift, and "tomorrow" might never come.

Today is where hope lives because today is when we can make things better than yesterday.

The only thing we can be sure of is today and life isn't worth living if it isn't lived in joy for as many moments of today as we can manage.

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Thanks!! You ARE a cool mom!! ;-)

At 00:53 3/7/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Here's the goop recipe. I halve it (saves on the glue <grin>).

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]