Re: Can You help a Newbie
Robin Bentley
Hi Nancy
I'm going to try to send this again. The first one got quarantined for some reason. Pretty sure I'm virus-free...
Try this folder and go through the archives. I am reading through it also.
Some good stuff there.
Welcome to the list!
Robin B.
also in B.C., in sunny White Rock
I'm going to try to send this again. The first one got quarantined for some reason. Pretty sure I'm virus-free...
Try this folder and go through the archives. I am reading through it also.
Some good stuff there.
Welcome to the list!
Robin B.
also in B.C., in sunny White Rock
> Hello,[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> About a week or so ago, mention was made of a discussion or article or
> archive on regarding how to really be with your child.I
> could really use this right now! If anyone can help me I would really
> appreciate it.
In a message dated 03/03/2003 21:50:35 Pacific Standard Time,
robinbentley@... writes:
you very much. I wish I was in White Rock but am alas in Prince George!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
robinbentley@... writes:
> The first one got quarantined for some reason. Pretty sure I'mI actually recieved that this morning and enjoyed it thoroughly Robin, thank
> virus-free...
you very much. I wish I was in White Rock but am alas in Prince George!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Robin Bentley
> I actually recieved that this morning and enjoyed it thoroughly Robin,thank
> you very much. I wish I was in White Rock but am alas in Prince George!Oh, good. Glad you got it.
> Nancy
Chilly there, huh?
Robin B.
In a message dated 03/03/2003 22:14:13 Pacific Standard Time,
robinbentley@... writes:
It is snowing and cold, my horses have icicles and my chickens are huddled.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
robinbentley@... writes:
> Chilly there, huh?I have lived here for 32 years and still find March and April very looonnnggg
It is snowing and cold, my horses have icicles and my chickens are huddled.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tia Leschke
> I'm going to try to send this again. The first one got quarantined forsome reason. Pretty sure I'm virus-free...
It already came through, Robin. The posts make the list, and then at least
some of us get a notice that it was quarantined. Weird.