Billy or Nancy

Be sure to check out the MHEA conference at Anne Arundel Community College
(located midway between Baltimore and Annapolis) on April 5, 2003 from 8:00
am to 5:30 pm. The keynote speaker is Jessie Wise, author of The Well
Trained Mind.

In addition to the keynote speech, there will be lots of workshops for new
homeschoolers as well as veteran homeschoolers. A panel of homeschool
couples will share their parenting experiences with homeschooling, there
will be a children's activities and games room, and lunch will be available
on the premises.

Also, there will be a Local Support Group fair with representatives invited
from every support group in Maryland, a Resource Fair with a wide variety of
vendors offering homeschooling materials (FUN Books,, will
be there with lots of great materials - you can order in advance and pick up
at the conference to save shipping, or request specific items you want us to
bring for you to see), and there will be a used curriculum
sale/swap/give-away fair.

You can get details and registration forms at
