Mary Ellen Harrison

Hi beth!

I have a couple of the Oak Meadow curriculum manuals and books. I use them
to read over and implement the projects in our time. I think they have a
wonderful philosophy about the growth of children. The heart of learning is
a very good book that they publish. I am thinking about getting the manual
for 5th grade social studies because my son is interested in the American
Revolution after listening to Johnny Tremaine (we rented it from the library
a few weeks back). He is not begging to learn about the revolution, but
while the idea is here, I am going to run with it as long as it seems to
spark an interest. I don't know if this is true "unschooling", but it works
for us! :)

Mary Ellen in NC

----- Original Message -----
From: Beth Burnham <beth2002@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2000 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re:blue ribbon schools/ My son's report

> From: "Beth Burnham" <beth2002@...>
> Mary Ellen,
> The only preschool experience I ever wanted my kids to enjoy was the
> school they really have a clue about children's development and needs in
> the Kindergarten too bad they don't take that philosophy with them
> No rushing or spending full days there for most of those kids mine went 2
> a week for a few months till I realized I couldn't afford it and I loved
> hang with them there. Does anyone here combine the Oak Meadow stuff with
> unschooling philosophy? Just curious I know they are very structured their
> curriculum and teacher directed but I wonder if there is a way to use the
> stuff they do without spending all the money just to get inspired. I want
> learn how to play the recorder and also knit and think if I do it myself
> kids may want to join me which is the Waldorf Kindergarten philosophy and
> Native American of being a role model but carry it over to other aspects
> life using story telling and teaching writing through art in a child
> centered way.
> Beth
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Beth Burnham

I am thinking about getting the manual
for 5th grade social studies because my son is interested in the American
Revolution after listening to Johnny Tremaine (we rented it from the library
a few weeks back). He is not begging to learn about the revolution, but
while the idea is here, I am going to run with it as long as it seems to
spark an interest.

That is a great example of taking from a traditional curriculum for
unschooling your son. Thanks for sharing this Mary Ellen. I think we do
have a responsibility to run with whatever their interests are no matter
what resources we do have available but I am interested in knowing how Oak
Meadow presents this history and if he enjoys it. Please feel free to let us
know more when you do get it and see how or if it continues to spark his