[email protected]

<I'm still trying to learn how to not be stressed and not feel like
<'m neglecting the kids when I have to clean before company, but I'm
<getting better I think.  I've been trying to make a conscious effort
<to tell myself that this is who I am and that I don't need to put a
<front on for other people (as in staying up until 4 am trying to get
<the house presentable). 

Don't feel bad I am EXACTLY the same way! It's actually kinda nice knowing
I'm not the only one that stays up till the wee hrs. of the morning before
company comes over. The scary part where I start crying is when someone calls
and says, "I'll be right over." That really stresses me out espeacialy if
it's my husbands family! I live in an apartment with 3 children it's not that
easy keeping everything clean. The way I see it is why take time to wash
every few dishes that fall in the sink when I can load up the dishasher once
a day (hopefully). When I have extra energy days every now and then I'm happy
to do a thorough job of cleaning. We eat, we are clean, have clothes to
wear, and are happily enjoying life. Until someone comes over! hehe:-) I too
have to work on not stressing so much.


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