I unsubscribed under my other email account megamom08@... and subbed
under this one. I am Ang and used to post on here frequently at one time.
Trying to get more involved and keep up again <g>

Anyhoo, the metal pans from our easy bake oven disappeared. It would take 6
weeks to get replacement ones, or to find ours LOL

Anything I can use instead? Will pie tins (pot-pie size) work? Yesterday I
just let 10yo Megan use the toaster oven instead to bake her little cookies.
It was nice to see my girls (3 and 10) work together and not
quarrel......this cabin fever in SNO-hio has been getting to us.....

Unschooling mom to
Megan(10) Ashlyn(3) Christian(1.5)
<A HREF="">UNO Unschoolers Network of Ohio</A>
<A HREF="">My Links Page</A>

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Jon and Rue Kream

"Anything I can use instead? Will pie tins (pot-pie size) work?"

I can't think of any reason why not. It's just a light bulb, after all
:0). I would think anything that won't melt, can fit in the slot, and
is easy to push in and get out would be fine. ~Rue

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

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athom <>

--- In, unolist@a... wrote:
<>Anything I can use instead? Will pie tins (pot-pie size) work?
Yesterday I just let 10yo Megan use the toaster oven instead to bake
her little cookies. It was nice to see my girls (3 and 10) work
together and not quarrel......this cabin fever in SNO-hio has been
getting to us.....<>


Here in Sn'Ohio, and Sn'Ice-hio, too. Took Dh three hours to get out
of our driveway today due to sheer black ice. When Dd was younger I
used to find nice little glass or metal baking pans at a favorite
thrift store or at yard sales for Dd's oven. Specialty type kitchen
shops have nice little fluted glass, porcelain or metal baking
dishes, too, for individual size baking. Call around and see what
you can find, or scout the thrift stores in your area.


Just a thought, what if you used a canning jar lid lined
with aluminum foil?
I would use try to use a tad bit of kitchen spray.
And I would oversee the project with your child.


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