
In a message dated 2/4/2003 1:31:27 PM Pacific Standard Time,
Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com writes:

> am still trying to remind myself of all this. It really is difficult, but I
> am starting to understand that there are things that my kids won't know
> that the ps kids know, and there are things that mine will know that ps
> kids won't know. None of it really matters, but I do know just from seeing
> mine our first year homeschooling that they really do retain more when they
> are seeking the knowledge.
> I honestly do worry about writing because my son's writing skills aren't
> very good compared to "grade expectations". I don't mean physical writing
> but sentence structure, etc.

This happens with our son some times. His boy scout club is with the ps kids.
He's the only homeschooler there but they treat him great. One time they
asked a question and all the other kids knew the answer except Christopher.
He didn't mind but his Dad did a little. I reminded his Dad of all the things
Christopher know that they don't and may never if it's not a part of school.
Christopher hates to write too! If use to get to me but since we started
unschooling I just let it go. I look at his Dad's handwriting and my brother
and even mine at time and ours isn't any better so I figured when he wants it
to look better he'll do it.

Lori in MI

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