[email protected]

AHA!!! One of these. I'm pretty sure it was the second set, Oskar & Jack.

There was a TV show on PBS (Nova maybe?) years ago, and the twins I'm
thinking about both kept their desks exactly the same way, and their closets
too. And when interviewed one said it's because his mom was such a slob and
he never wanted to be keep house like she did, and the other said it was
because his mom was so neat and taught him how to be that way.

n Anecdotal twin stories - MZs - 2 boys separated at approximately 1 month,
adopted by working class families, in Ohio, both named Jim by their adoptive
families.  When they were reunited as adults the following "coincidences"
were noted: both developed sinus headaches at age ten, which later became
migraines, they used the same words to describe their pain. They had
identical pulse rates and blood pressure. They both held clerical positions
and liked to do woodworking as a hobby. They both volunteered on police
forces, enjoyed Florida vacations, married and divorced women named Linda,
had dogs named Toy, and drove Chevrolets.

n Oskar and Jack - Born in Trinidad. Mother, a German, took Oskar back to G
w/ her and raised him as a Catholic. He grew up to be a Nazi (youth group).
His brother, Jack, was raised by the dad in the Carribean and raised as a
Jew, spent some of his adolescence in Isreal on a kibbutz.  When they were
reunited, Jack was living in CA and O in G. When they met bqueurs, tended to
fall asleep while watching TV, kept rubber bands on their wrists, thought it
was funny to sneeze in a crowd of people, flushed the toilet before using it,
and read magazines from cover to cover
