
**I'm a sucker for all those old low-tech fantasy-type movies.
I loved "The Neverending Story", too, as well as "Clash of the Titans".
I can watch those over and over for some reason - I always do when I run
across them on TV.
Oldies but goodies. <g>**

Stop motion animation. Have a film festival! <g>
The Fantastic Films of Ray Harryhausen

Liza Sabater

On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 01:57 AM, dacunefare@... wrote:
> Stop motion animation. Have a film festival!  <g>
> http://lavender.fortunecity.com/judidench/584/
> The Fantastic Films of Ray Harryhausen

And where does Mike take his girlfriend Celia out to dine?
Harryhausen's! One of the many 'extras' that appear in "Monsters, Inc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> Stop motion animation. Have a film festival! <g>
> http://lavender.fortunecity.com/judidench/584/
> The Fantastic Films of Ray Harryhausen

Thanks for the cool link! I've got some more movies to check out. <g>
