
<<Why would a university make you take courses that were irrelevant to your

Money! I had to take Spanish to fulfill a foreign language requirement, and
also Arts and Humanities classes. My major was in Nutrition and Dietetics.

But at $96/credit hour, they were making big money requiring me to take
classes I didn't need.

Age doesn't always bring wisdom, sometimes age comes alone.

[email protected]

In a message dated 1/29/2003 11:28:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
shyrley.williams@... writes:

> Why would a university make you take courses that were irrelevant to your
> degree?
> It would be like my neuroscience degree asking for a couple of courses in
> fine art and English litereature!

Shyrley, Shyrley, Shyrley! You MUST be well-rounded! How would it look just
to take ONLY the courses NEEDED!? ANd WHAT would that do to others' GPAs???

There was (I read here, maybe?) a woman to went to college, took only the
science courses, and applied to vet school. She was accepted with no
undergraduated degree. Snazzy!


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