Julie Stauffer

we were in Fort Worth, TX for a stock show. We were unloading stuff into
the barn and the kids were settling the animals into pens. I noticed an
elderly couple watching the kids. (Lots and lots of people stop to talk and
ask questions at stock shows so I didn't think anything about it.) I went
out for another load and when I came back in, these people were praying over
my kids!!!!!!

Adriane and Zach are fairly polite kids so they didn't say anything, just
kind of stood there. When I walked up, this little old lady says to me "The
kids just made a decision for Jesus." I about puked. I informed her the
kids had been baptized for many years and sent her on her way. The kids
thought it was silly and I was furious.

It did give us a chance to talk about how we see God and none of us thought
he could be sold door to door like a vacuum.
