Heidi <[email protected]>

Hello unschoolers...

There has been a discussion about the Bible, religion, Christianity,
etc. going on for awhile. I opened my mouth and inserted my foot,

>The Bible doesn't say that Judas bought himself a field with the
>silver. One account has Judas hanging himself, and another account
>has him falling and bursting asunder. If you think about it, a dead
>body, after a few days, falling from the limb it was hanging on, or
>the limb breaking...it would VERY EASILY burst asunder and its
>bowels gush out. Ugh.

>Have you ever read a biography of, say George Washington? Then read
>another Washington bio by a different author. would they be
>identical? no. No more than the four writers of the gospels used
>identical words...different authors, different words, different
>events highlighted.


Ren then quoted the Bible passages about Judas, showing in Acts 1,
where it says that he acquired a field with the price of his
iniquity. In fact, Ren did what I should have done: found the
passages and examined them with her own eyes.

Sandra then asked if an apology to the group would be forthcoming.

In my embarassment and chagrine, I did offer that apology. Once
again, "speaking" before thinking. Here is an amended apology:

"If I have offended anyone on this list, by my embarassing attempt at
answering a critic, please accept my apology."

But may I add...if my silly reaction to the Judas question offended
this group, then this group is easily offended.
