
Dear Maryann,

I am a homeschooling mother that uses our local
public library sometimes twice a week pending
on the topic of our study.
We live in North Dakota.
Our library does carry some information on homeschooling,
of which I was very surprised to find.
I was very hesitant to let even the library staff know that
we were homeschooling, as I assumed these older ladies
to be standoffish, and single minded regarding anything
but public schooling all the way.
This was not and was has not been the factor. Very
friendly towards my child and myself and helpful.
If they have any views they keep it to themselves.
This library has been my source as a teacher for
materials. Everything from documentaries, movies
books on tape or disc going beyond only bookes.
Of course we do it bored, and wish there were
something new everyweek, but there is still untouched
informatin there on the shelves, I just have to me more
The public library, if used, is an asset to homeschooling

Linda L. (please feel free to email me if you have anymore
question, sorry, your post came with no attachments.

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