Kristen seitz

Hi all.

I'm at work. I'm trying to reply but I'm having a lot of trouble with
the web mail. I'm not sure why that is.

just wanted to let you know I'm reading with great interest but I'm not
sure if or when I can reply.


Kristen seitz

Ok, I'm trying it this way. The "compose' will work, but not 'reply'.

Wende, you wrote:

I'm not sure where "nearby" is.<grin> I am about 25 minutes SW of
Allentown. What part of fashion design is your daughter most interested
in? The artsy? Sewing? Marketing? Modeling?

We are about 25 minutes east of harrisburg. She is interested in
mostly the artsy, sewing stuff, but is also interested in modeling.
I'm not sure what is involved in being a model though. We have a
friend who went to modeling school, but it was 1 1/2 hours away. I
can't do that. I wouldn't mind hearing other ideas though.


On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 17:57:50 -0500 Kristen seitz <litlrooh@...>

> We are about 25 minutes east of harrisburg. She is interested in
> mostly the artsy, sewing stuff, but is also interested in modeling.
> I'm not sure what is involved in being a model though. We have a
> friend who went to modeling school, but it was 1 1/2 hours away. I
> can't do that. I wouldn't mind hearing other ideas though.

I don't know much about the modeling aspect of it. When I did shows I
would basically recruit people I knew, or shoppers in the store. I never
went through agents.
As far as the artsy stuff, I have a copy of a fashion body form that I
can send or fax to you. Your daughter can practice drawing on that. If
you can't find a copy of *WWD*, maybe a copy of Vogue will give her
inspiration. Another thing I thought of was a book I read years ago. I
can't remember if it was a biography, or autobiography, but it told the
life story of Gloria Vanderbilt. Might be something to look into.
As far as the sewing stuff, do you have a machine? I can send you some
extra fabric, and ideas and stuff. If you don't, I am probably about an
hour and half away. If you feel like taking a road trip, we can plan a
sewing day. Let me know.

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