Here is another site I found. Can't remember who was asking.
Pam G

<A HREF="">DarkBASIC - Welcome - Next Generation Game Making Software</A>

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Have a Nice Day!

> Here is another site I found. Can't remember who was asking.
> Pam G
> <A HREF="">DarkBASIC - Welcome - Next Generation Game Making Software</A>

I just saw this in the archives!!! Thank you so much for posting this.

We are trying to rev up life around here. We've been discussing interests, and my son is big into this...but I wasn't sure where to start.

Are there other sites? If I missed any (was no mail briefly) could you resend them??



Today is even more important than tomorrow because "today" is a gift, and "tomorrow" might never come.

Today is where hope lives because today is when we can make things better than yesterday.

The only thing we can be sure of is today and life isn't worth living if it isn't lived in joy for as many moments of today as we can manage.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


on 1/19/03 12:18 AM, Have a Nice Day! at litlrooh@... wrote:

> Are there other sites? If I missed any (was no mail briefly) could you resend
> them?? Download the demo *and* the tutorial.

There's also Digipen ( I think it's $20
for a year's access. (Or the $20 rate is for Nintendo Magazine subscribers?)
They have walkthroughs/lessons on designing games. The first one was on
making a pong game. (There have been write ups each month in Nintendo
magazine on the month's lesson but I think everything you need is on line.)
That's all I know since you need a PC with Windows 98 or higher and we
didn't (until yesterday!) have easy access to that.
