rj_fremenyoung <rj_fremenyoung@hotmail.c

Need concrete suggestions about how to keep records while
unschooling, just in case I need them for legal reasons.
I (being public school taught) cannot figure out how to write down
the things my daughter is learning/doing at home each day in a way
that "officials" will consider in an equal catagory with what the
public school teaches. (My daughter is 10 and has Asperger's, BTW.)
Can anyone tell me what a record page/portfolio should look like or
how it should be set up?



In a message dated 1/13/03 3:22:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,
rj_fremenyoung@... writes:

> Need concrete suggestions about how to keep records while
> unschooling, just in case I need them for legal reasons.
If it were me, I would first find out the scenarios that I might need to keep
them for.
It might help us to answer if we knew a little more of your concerns. Can you
share with us?

*~*Elissa Jill*~*
unschooling Momma to 3 beautiful brilliant people
Loving partner for life to Joey
terrible guitarist, fair singer and happy woman.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 1/13/03 1:22:54 PM, rj_fremenyoung@... writes:

<< Can anyone tell me what a record page/portfolio should look like or
how it should be set up?

One thing to consider is to borrow from Carol Narigon's curriculum reports.
A sample is here:



rj_fremenyoung <rj_fremenyoung@hotmail.c

Hi! Thanks for responding!

My daughter is very talkative and imaginative. She likes to tell
stories....all day long!! :) She likes to read, but she has
dysgraphia and cannot write well. She has Asperger's and often can't
understand directions (verbal or written). She doesn't do well in
math either. I am not concerned as to how fast she learns, but she
receives disability and periodic re-evaluations are necessary. Her
last evaluation was recently, and the psychologist says she
hasn't "progressed" in her academics and wants me to do all this
major "school-at-home" stuff that I don't really agree with. (I
think learning little by little is good for her and gives her self-
confidence.) But how do I justify days when she wants to listen to
Chinese music, wants to play video games, and wants to tell me
stories? How do I write that down in records? Do I have to say she
did such-n-such, beginning at such-n-such a time and ending at such-
n-such a time? How do you fit unschooling activities into public
school jargon and subject areas?

--- In Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com, Earthmomma67@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 1/13/03 3:22:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> rj_fremenyoung@h... writes:
> > Need concrete suggestions about how to keep records while
> > unschooling, just in case I need them for legal reasons.
> >
> If it were me, I would first find out the scenarios that I might
need to keep
> them for.
> It might help us to answer if we knew a little more of your
concerns. Can you
> share with us?
> *~*Elissa Jill*~*
> unschooling Momma to 3 beautiful brilliant people
> Loving partner for life to Joey
> terrible guitarist, fair singer and happy woman.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

rj_fremenyoung <rj_fremenyoung@hotmail.c

Thank you! I went to the site and copied the article. I'm sure it
will help.

Thanks again!

--- In Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com, SandraDodd@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 1/13/03 1:22:54 PM, rj_fremenyoung@h... writes:
> << Can anyone tell me what a record page/portfolio should look
like or
> how it should be set up?
> >>
> One thing to consider is to borrow from Carol Narigon's curriculum
> A sample is here:
> http://sandradodd.com/unschoolingcurriculum
> Sandra


In a message dated 1/15/03 8:43:57 AM, rj_fremenyoung@... writes:

<< Do I have to say she
did such-n-such, beginning at such-n-such a time and ending at such-
n-such a time? How do you fit unschooling activities into public
school jargon and subject areas?

They're wanting progress. Progress doesn't fit a smooth curve. Only
averages make smooth curvew, in the hands of mathematician graph-makers.
Individual progress has spurts and plateaus.

If you're going to take money from the government, you'll have to do what
they want you to do to get the money.

Why are you taking money from the government? Can you afford not to?

Here's how Carol Narigon described her homeschooling and maybe you can adapt
this for some of your reporting:

http://sandradodd.com/unschooling curriculum



In a message dated 1/15/03 8:44:54 AM, rj_fremenyoung@... writes:

<< Thank you! I went to the site and copied the article. I'm sure it
will help.

Oh! I just sent you another time! (sorry)