[email protected]

In a message dated 1/13/2003 10:23:56 AM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> And yes it is the company you are thinking about. 19.95 per month, no postal
> fees, they send you an envelope for mailing. We got the first two weeks
> free.

We're trying out a company called Mentura.com. They offered us (as a
"homeschool leader" <g>) a month's free rentals.....They are doing a superb
job of sending out the DVDs (with the return, pp, envelopes) ASAP.
Currently, we're engrossed in "The Life of Birds", and about to embark on a
Sister Wendy fest.

But, at $25 a month, and three days travel time from California to Iowa, I'm
not sure we'd come out "ahead" on the rentals. We simply cannot get a fast
enough turn-around time.

But, if you're interested....


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are
to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and
servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
--Theodore Roosevelt

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