[email protected]

I just wanted to let you all know that I have my website to a point that I wouldn't be too embarrassed if any of you looked at it :)
The address is: http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/homeschoolingwrights/

Also I have begun a year long journal (updated daily) chronicling our venture into unschooling/homeschooling. I hope it is interesting to someone elso beside me.

I've enjoyed reading all your posts and will jump in as I can.


[email protected]

Thanks for the update.

I have saved your website and will be checking in periodically!

Good luck!


[email protected]

Looks nice!
What program are you using for your web page? Are you using html? Or
templates provided by your ISP?
I am trying to make a web page too, but it is SLOW going. Thank you for
sharing yours!

Mary Ellen
Breastfeeding is Y2K Compliant