Brenda Rose

What about beauty in the arts?

Artworks can be downloaded online, shown, discussed - just 1, or 2 for

Dance/Movement - play music, let them move - Are some movements more
beautiful than others? Consider various dances, but also things like
military marching, goosestepping...

Music - different styles. Does classical/country/pop/rock or other types
have beauty. Could be good discussion - beauty is in the eye and the ear of
the beholder/listener...

Instruments - did you say you play? The ululele, wasn't it?
You play something, let them play - Is beauty in the final product or the
journey to get there? (My parents discouraged me when I played violin, as
they would always shout "stop that racket!" I still won't play in front of
people.) Discover beauty in sounds...

Let each write a word that can be beautiful to them, then decorate it
(large, on construction or drawing paper, or with paints if available).
Words could be ideas, such as "Joy" or things, such as animals, or even
people, or their own name.

Have fun!

Brenda R.

Brenda Rose


It sounds like a wonderful day! Beauty is truly all around us. I'm
thankful that as unschoolers we have the time and inclination to see it.

Brenda Rose