In a message dated 1/8/03 7:25:30 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Regarding hygiene, my kids are all big into showers, sometimes 2x day. >>

Same here!! My five y.o. dd has been taking up to three a day. The dialogue
around here is about not taking so many!! "Sierra, I don't think you need
another shower today!! Could you PLEASE wait?" is very commonly heard.

"The world's much smaller than you think. Made up of two kinds of
people--simple and complicated.....The simple ones are contented. The
complicated ones aren't."
"Unschooling support at


on 1/8/03 11:03 PM, starsuncloud@... at starsuncloud@... wrote:

> Same here!! My five y.o. dd has been taking up to three a day. The dialogue
> around here is about not taking so many!!

So that's the problem! 14-21 showers per week for one kid. Your families
have take Kathryn's showers! No wonder she can only take a shower once a


In a message dated 1/8/03 11:04:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,
starsuncloud@... writes:

> Same here!! My five y.o. dd has been taking up to three a day. The dialogue
> around here is about not taking so many!! "Sierra, I don't think you need
> another shower today!! Could you PLEASE wait?" is very commonly heard

Ethan loved to take baths and showers at that age too.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 1/9/03 6:42:30 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

So that's the problem! 14-21 showers per week for one kid. Your families
have take Kathryn's showers! No wonder she can only take a shower once a
week! >>

I KNEW there was a reason people shouldn't shower so much!
I'll tell Sierra to share the wealth....:)

"The world's much smaller than you think. Made up of two kinds of
people--simple and complicated.....The simple ones are contented. The
complicated ones aren't."
"Unschooling support at

In a message dated 1/9/03 5:26:13 AM, fetteroll@... writes:

<< > Same here!! My five y.o. dd has been taking up to three a day. The
> around here is about not taking so many!! >>

Holly has gone through phases like that, usually in summers, and it will be a
bath to play in the water, and later a shower, and maybe another shower later
if she had played outside in the dirt.

So last week when she kept announcing how many days it had been since she had
showered, and it got up to a week, nobody said "eeyew!" We all just looked
at her and said "Huh" or "Weird" or "why?"

She had never known what it would feel like just NOT to shower, and with
nothing much on the schedule, she was checking that out. She had no fiddle
class or acting classes during the New Year's week, and so she just kind got
up every day and counted how many days.

She took a shower to go somewhere on the 8th day.

Then she asked me to cut her hair. Now it's a shower a day for hair-styling
purposes. It's too cold for it to be fun to take more.


In a message dated 1/9/03 1:31:19 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< It's too cold for it to be fun to take more. >>

I suspect that Sierra is showering for the very reason that it's cooler now!
Our house is old and all hardwood's made for the heat of FL and
isn't very warm on those cooler days and nights. A warm shower feels
wonderful, so I think she'll go back to less when it warms up again.

"The world's much smaller than you think. Made up of two kinds of
people--simple and complicated.....The simple ones are contented. The
complicated ones aren't."
"Unschooling support at