
My little Jeffrey is going to be 4 in March. We've asked him about
going on the potty, but he say "No, I go in my diaper." Once in awhile
he'll stand at the toilet in pee like a big boy, but he definately won't
have a BM on the commode. He's just not interested and I'm not pushing.
His little brother will be 3 in May and I don't see him wanting out of
those diapers yet either, so we change lots of pants around here
everyday. Although, I am looking forward to them using the toilet, so I
don't have to deal with the messes anymore, but I'm not going to lose
sleep over it. They're only little once and they grow up way to fast.
Jeffrey looks a lot a like my 18 yo son, Nick and it floors me thats hes
all grown up and hardly around anymore. Someday I'll be looking at
Jeffrey and he'll be the size of Nick and I'll remember that little boy
that wanted to poop in his diaper. (amongst other memeories:-)) I have
confidence that it'll happen before I know it.

Robin's Nest
Suggested Prayers for B'nai Noah:

Debra Bures

when my now just 8 yo(yesterday) dd was about 3.5 i asked her if she wanted
to use the potty. She looked me right in the eye and calmly and clearly
said."Not interested, Mom."
When my well-intentioned aunt suggested that she was too bid a girl to use
diapers, she told her the same thing. I then smiled, and told my aunt that I
wasn't worried, my dh wasn't worried , my dd wasn't worried, and that i
didn't think she should worry either. end of discussion.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Leuenberger <Nest4Robin@...>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 1:37 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: Potty Training

>From: Nest4Robin@... (Robin Leuenberger)
>My little Jeffrey is going to be 4 in March. We've asked him about
>going on the potty, but he say "No, I go in my diaper." Once in awhile
>he'll stand at the toilet in pee like a big boy, but he definately won't
>have a BM on the commode. He's just not interested and I'm not pushing.
>His little brother will be 3 in May and I don't see him wanting out of
>those diapers yet either, so we change lots of pants around here
>everyday. Although, I am looking forward to them using the toilet, so I
>don't have to deal with the messes anymore, but I'm not going to lose
>sleep over it. They're only little once and they grow up way to fast.
>Jeffrey looks a lot a like my 18 yo son, Nick and it floors me thats hes
>all grown up and hardly around anymore. Someday I'll be looking at
>Jeffrey and he'll be the size of Nick and I'll remember that little boy
>that wanted to poop in his diaper. (amongst other memeories:-)) I have
>confidence that it'll happen before I know it.
>Robin's Nest
>Suggested Prayers for B'nai Noah:
>>Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
>Check it all out at:

I knew a family with 9 children who bought a motor home for their "car",
because it seemed that someone always needed to use the bathroom!
Mary Ellen
Breastfeeding is Y2K Compliant

emma bovary


First of all, I am new and would like to introduce myself. My name is Leslie and I have two boys(5 and 2). The whole potty training thing has been a struggle for my oldest. He's had chronic constipation since he was 18 months old and because of this, was afraid to go on the potty. I took him to a pediatrician who's physician's assistant was looking at him problem as an excuse to put him medication, i.e. Ritalin.

We tried everything for potty training, videos, music, books, stickers. If I had a nickel for every time I read, Once Upon A Potty! Anyway, when we finally got his constipation problem at bay, I took him to a specialist for the training. She told me to put him in regular underwear during the day. When he sat on the potty, he got a star sticker and when he peed or pooped, he got a Spongebob sticker. The first week or so was rough but he finally just did it one day and hasn't had an accident since. Although I do think the program I took him to was a good program, I just think he was finally ready to do it. Most of the frustration for both of us was the pressure from friends and family to "get him trained" especially after he turned five in March. I started the whole thing telling people that he was the type of child that did things when he was good and ready to do them. I wished I would have adhered to that idea.

I don't know why it is so hard for some people to view children as human beings and not puppets or robots that need to be controlled. Just my two cents on the topic. Hope it wasn't too long.


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Roxanne Trimper

Hi Leslie,

You mentioned that your 5 year old was having difficulty potty
training and that he had chronic constipation. As I am sure you have
found out the two go hand in hand. If the colon is impacted it can
effect the urinary tract as well. I have heard of other older
children having problems with potty training.

Our daughter, who is 14, has suffered greatly due to a rare
congenital disease called Hirschsprungs disease (Nerve cells in her
colon never developed) One of the symptoms is constipation which has
lead to Chronic Mega-colon. We belong to different support groups
that give educational and emotional support for parents who have
children with constipation and other digestive problems.

I don't believe that your son has the same serious condition that our
daughter has, however it may be an advantage for you to glean from
other parents who deal with different soiling issues on a daily
basis. You may end up finding someone who has walked your path and
has found solutions.

I hope you and your family are able to gracefully find answers and
solutions. Please feel free to e-mail me personally.

With much warmth,

Roxanne Trimper
Torrance, California USA
Mom to
Jacob, 17 (Graduated in June after 13 years of Homeschooling /
Christiana Joy, 14, (SSHD, ileosotomy, chronic pain, 9th abdominal
surgery 05-17-04)
Jeremiah, 11
Josiah, 9
Juliana, 8
Lauriana, 4
Alicana, 3
Wife to Jon

"A child is a natural product. The slight variations in growth,
development and temperament enhance his or her individual character
and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects." -
Author unknown


--- In, "Roxanne Trimper"
<Trimpertribe@c...> wrote:
> I don't believe that your son has the same serious condition that
> daughter has, however it may be an advantage for you to glean from
> other parents who deal with different soiling issues on a daily
> basis. You may end up finding someone who has walked your path and
> has found solutions.
> I hope you and your family are able to gracefully find answers and
> solutions. Please feel free to e-mail me personally.

I'll second this excellent advice. This is something my DS really
struggled with and still does, to some extent. At age 4, he was
evaluated for Hirschsprungs disease, because his pediatrician thought
that his issues were serious enough, that might be what it was. He
potty trained relatively late (after 4), and with difficulty, but in
reality his bowels have never ever been normal. Discovering his dairy
allergy helped a *lot* because when he was eating dairy it really
slowed everything down even more. It was just after removing dairy
from his diet that he was finally able to potty train. I was just
having a conversation the other day though with a friend whose
daughter has Hirschprungs about the fact that there are more problems
along the continuum than just that or nothing. He might still have
motility or other issues that are causing problems. She is on a list
that includes Hirschprungs and also motility issues. Might be worth
doing a Google search for.

In general, we just try to keep him mindful of what he is eating -
make sure he doesn't have more than one banana a day (boy does that
do a number on him if he does), and remind him to drink fluids if he
forgets, that kind of thing. Because this can be a painful and
disruptive condition, as well as something kids can be embarassed
about (or other people can try to make them embarassed about), it can
be a hard thing to deal with.

I have to admit, I felt pretty justified when my 2nd kid potty
trained herself at 18 months. At least then people couldn't say it
was somehow my fault that my son had so many difficulties with it.
When they're ready, they're ready, and for some kids it comes years
later than others, but it's a good idea to make sure there isn't a
medical condition or allergy that is causing or exacerbating the

Blue Skies,