Brenda of Virginia


I'm new to the list. We're from Louisa, Virginia with two life-long unschooled
children, ages 9 & 10. We'd like to spread the word about our homeschoolers'
2003 spring camps in Virginia and would particularly like to have more unschoolers
come to our camps. There's more information below and on our website.

Brenda Callen


Registration now begins for the Twin Oaks Community 2nd Annual Spring
Homeschoolers' Overnight Camps, Louisa County, Virginia, oriented for
homeschooled children ages 8-13, alone or with one parent.

DRAMA CAMP: April 26 - May 7 (12 days) Activities: Theater games, performing
a play for an audience, in addition to active outdoor sports/games.

OUTDOORS ADVENTURE CAMP: May 12 - 21 (10 days) Focus on orienteering
(land navigation) in addition to many other outdoors activities.

For more information and on-line registration form:

Or Contact: Brenda Callen, brenda@... (540) 894-5117

138 Twin Oaks Rd. Louisa, VA 23093