International support needed (xposted)
elaine greenwood-hyde
I'm helping home educators in Scotland (I'm in England) to drum up some
international support as their way of home educating is seriously under
threat. Below is their letter. Please respond if you can. HE stands for
home education.
BWs Elaine
Home educators in Scotland are still in an ongoing battle with the Scottish
Executive (SE) about new proposals for guidance for local authorities in
relation to HE. The original purpose of the guidance was to protect families
who wished to home educate, and facilitate the process of de-registering
children from state schools. (The situation in Scotland is different from
that in England and Wales, in that we do not have deregistration on
However, last Xmas Eve (2001) home educators in Scotland were horrified by
the release of the consultation draft, which many feel failed abysmally in
achieving its stated aim to �promote effective partnership between education
authorities and home educating families� and instead succeeded in making
matters far worse. Despite repeated demands for its withdrawal, the
consultation process continued. Not only did it fail to meet the original
mandate of the Scottish Parliament which made it clear that the guidance was
to protect HE families, but many believed that it actively promoted
discrimination against a minority group, encouraged tracking of children by
using census, health and other records, misquoted several sections of the
relevant pieces of legislation, ignored all relevant case law and
misrepresented a European judgement. It was widely condemned as
"anti-children" by the HE community, children's rights groups, and a number
of MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament).
Since the consultation process ended in March, there has been no systematic
feedback to the HE community, and no significant response or feedback from
the consultation process.
Exactly one year later, on 30 December 2002, the SE sent a worrying
communication to several HE groups, inviting them to a meeting in mid
January, with the following agenda:
* to provide Scottish Executive (SE)with an opportunity to share feedback
from the the consultation exercise
* to discuss SE's current thinking on the guidance, and to indicate the
areas in which their thinking has changed.
Additionally, they also want to consider the following questions:
1. What, if any minimum educational standards should apply to home
2. How can we ensure that the rights of the child are respected in relation
to their educational provision?
3. What qualities should characterise the relationship between local
authorities and home educators and how can such relationships be built?
They have also asked attendees to come prepared to share with them evidence
of what they would consider to be "best practice" on the part of both of
home educators and local authorities.
Many HEors are very worried by this situation, and Schoolhouse, the Scottish
home education association has started gathering feedback on these questions
from the HE community, to ensure that the views of the wide HE community can
be represented at that meeting. They have also pointed out to SE that this
is still attempting to subvert the original purpose of the guidance; that by
NOT including children's rights groups in this meeting, THEY are showing a
disregard for children's rights; they do not have appropriate representation
from across the HE community in Scotland; and that there is a lack of
clarity about the first question - is the implication that Home Educating
parents may have to prove a certain educational standard?
If this issue goes unchallenged in Scotland, then it may eventually have
implications for the wider HE community. We are asking you to PLEASE offer
feedback on these issues before 12 January 2003. Your comments can be sent
directly to Schoolhouse at info@... Your views will be
collated, but individuals will not be identified, and the names of
respondents will remain confidential, and not be released to SE or anyone
else. Please make your voice heard on this important issue. Many thanks in
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
I'm helping home educators in Scotland (I'm in England) to drum up some
international support as their way of home educating is seriously under
threat. Below is their letter. Please respond if you can. HE stands for
home education.
BWs Elaine
Home educators in Scotland are still in an ongoing battle with the Scottish
Executive (SE) about new proposals for guidance for local authorities in
relation to HE. The original purpose of the guidance was to protect families
who wished to home educate, and facilitate the process of de-registering
children from state schools. (The situation in Scotland is different from
that in England and Wales, in that we do not have deregistration on
However, last Xmas Eve (2001) home educators in Scotland were horrified by
the release of the consultation draft, which many feel failed abysmally in
achieving its stated aim to �promote effective partnership between education
authorities and home educating families� and instead succeeded in making
matters far worse. Despite repeated demands for its withdrawal, the
consultation process continued. Not only did it fail to meet the original
mandate of the Scottish Parliament which made it clear that the guidance was
to protect HE families, but many believed that it actively promoted
discrimination against a minority group, encouraged tracking of children by
using census, health and other records, misquoted several sections of the
relevant pieces of legislation, ignored all relevant case law and
misrepresented a European judgement. It was widely condemned as
"anti-children" by the HE community, children's rights groups, and a number
of MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament).
Since the consultation process ended in March, there has been no systematic
feedback to the HE community, and no significant response or feedback from
the consultation process.
Exactly one year later, on 30 December 2002, the SE sent a worrying
communication to several HE groups, inviting them to a meeting in mid
January, with the following agenda:
* to provide Scottish Executive (SE)with an opportunity to share feedback
from the the consultation exercise
* to discuss SE's current thinking on the guidance, and to indicate the
areas in which their thinking has changed.
Additionally, they also want to consider the following questions:
1. What, if any minimum educational standards should apply to home
2. How can we ensure that the rights of the child are respected in relation
to their educational provision?
3. What qualities should characterise the relationship between local
authorities and home educators and how can such relationships be built?
They have also asked attendees to come prepared to share with them evidence
of what they would consider to be "best practice" on the part of both of
home educators and local authorities.
Many HEors are very worried by this situation, and Schoolhouse, the Scottish
home education association has started gathering feedback on these questions
from the HE community, to ensure that the views of the wide HE community can
be represented at that meeting. They have also pointed out to SE that this
is still attempting to subvert the original purpose of the guidance; that by
NOT including children's rights groups in this meeting, THEY are showing a
disregard for children's rights; they do not have appropriate representation
from across the HE community in Scotland; and that there is a lack of
clarity about the first question - is the implication that Home Educating
parents may have to prove a certain educational standard?
If this issue goes unchallenged in Scotland, then it may eventually have
implications for the wider HE community. We are asking you to PLEASE offer
feedback on these issues before 12 January 2003. Your comments can be sent
directly to Schoolhouse at info@... Your views will be
collated, but individuals will not be identified, and the names of
respondents will remain confidential, and not be released to SE or anyone
else. Please make your voice heard on this important issue. Many thanks in
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
Denese Kolb
Do you mind if I forward this to my Scottish friend? Who happens to be a
documentary producer for public television, she may find it interesting:)
Do you mind if I forward this to my Scottish friend? Who happens to be a
documentary producer for public television, she may find it interesting:)
----- Original Message -----
From: "elaine greenwood-hyde" <elainegh8@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 7:29 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] International support needed (xposted)
I'm helping home educators in Scotland (I'm in England) to drum up some
international support as their way of home educating is seriously under
threat. Below is their letter. Please respond if you can. HE stands for
home education.
BWs Elaine
Home educators in Scotland are still in an ongoing battle with the Scottish
Executive (SE) about new proposals for guidance for local authorities in
relation to HE. The original purpose of the guidance was to protect families
who wished to home educate, and facilitate the process of de-registering
children from state schools. (The situation in Scotland is different from
that in England and Wales, in that we do not have deregistration on
However, last Xmas Eve (2001) home educators in Scotland were horrified by
the release of the consultation draft, which many feel failed abysmally in
achieving its stated aim to ‘promote effective partnership between education
authorities and home educating families’ and instead succeeded in making
matters far worse. Despite repeated demands for its withdrawal, the
consultation process continued. Not only did it fail to meet the original
mandate of the Scottish Parliament which made it clear that the guidance was
to protect HE families, but many believed that it actively promoted
discrimination against a minority group, encouraged tracking of children by
using census, health and other records, misquoted several sections of the
relevant pieces of legislation, ignored all relevant case law and
misrepresented a European judgement. It was widely condemned as
"anti-children" by the HE community, children's rights groups, and a number
of MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament).
Since the consultation process ended in March, there has been no systematic
feedback to the HE community, and no significant response or feedback from
the consultation process.
Exactly one year later, on 30 December 2002, the SE sent a worrying
communication to several HE groups, inviting them to a meeting in mid
January, with the following agenda:
* to provide Scottish Executive (SE)with an opportunity to share feedback
from the the consultation exercise
* to discuss SE's current thinking on the guidance, and to indicate the
areas in which their thinking has changed.
Additionally, they also want to consider the following questions:
1. What, if any minimum educational standards should apply to home
2. How can we ensure that the rights of the child are respected in relation
to their educational provision?
3. What qualities should characterise the relationship between local
authorities and home educators and how can such relationships be built?
They have also asked attendees to come prepared to share with them evidence
of what they would consider to be "best practice" on the part of both of
home educators and local authorities.
Many HEors are very worried by this situation, and Schoolhouse, the Scottish
home education association has started gathering feedback on these questions
from the HE community, to ensure that the views of the wide HE community can
be represented at that meeting. They have also pointed out to SE that this
is still attempting to subvert the original purpose of the guidance; that by
NOT including children's rights groups in this meeting, THEY are showing a
disregard for children's rights; they do not have appropriate representation
from across the HE community in Scotland; and that there is a lack of
clarity about the first question - is the implication that Home Educating
parents may have to prove a certain educational standard?
If this issue goes unchallenged in Scotland, then it may eventually have
implications for the wider HE community. We are asking you to PLEASE offer
feedback on these issues before 12 January 2003. Your comments can be sent
directly to Schoolhouse at info@... Your views will be
collated, but individuals will not be identified, and the names of
respondents will remain confidential, and not be released to SE or anyone
else. Please make your voice heard on this important issue. Many thanks in
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
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If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the
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**3. What qualities should characterise the relationship between local
authorities and home educators and how can such relationships be built?
This worries me. A generic "best practice" isn't best for every child
or every family.
Try to stay away from "practices". I think you want regulations based
on "principles" and I mean principles of freedom and self-determination.
Good luck!
PS But... if you have to talk about "best practices" for home learning,
please keep them very general and fundamental. (In case they try to make
everyone follow the "best way".)
I would say that one key practice is individualizing the content and
difficulty level of "lessons" or learning experiences to suit each
child's needs and interests. I would also say that a "best practice" of
home education is spending lots of time with our (younger) children so
that we really know, better than a teacher could, what they need and
want. I picked these because I think individualizing and being together
are fundamentals of home education. (But I don't have any older
children, so the being together stuff may not apply there.)
authorities and home educators and how can such relationships be built?
This worries me. A generic "best practice" isn't best for every child
or every family.
Try to stay away from "practices". I think you want regulations based
on "principles" and I mean principles of freedom and self-determination.
Good luck!
PS But... if you have to talk about "best practices" for home learning,
please keep them very general and fundamental. (In case they try to make
everyone follow the "best way".)
I would say that one key practice is individualizing the content and
difficulty level of "lessons" or learning experiences to suit each
child's needs and interests. I would also say that a "best practice" of
home education is spending lots of time with our (younger) children so
that we really know, better than a teacher could, what they need and
want. I picked these because I think individualizing and being together
are fundamentals of home education. (But I don't have any older
children, so the being together stuff may not apply there.)
elaine greenwood-hyde
Hi Denese,
It's not my document I'm just helping out fellow HE'ers in
trouble. I would think it'll be fine though as it's now in the public domain
being posted willnilly all over the place by me and others. (g)
BWs Elaine
Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online
It's not my document I'm just helping out fellow HE'ers in
trouble. I would think it'll be fine though as it's now in the public domain
being posted willnilly all over the place by me and others. (g)
BWs Elaine
>Do you mind if I forward this to my Scottish friend? Who >happens to be a
>documentary producer for public television, she may find >it interesting:)
Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online
Denese Kolb
I figured as much. I just like to ask before I forward.
I figured as much. I just like to ask before I forward.
----- Original Message -----
From: "elaine greenwood-hyde" <elainegh8@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: International support needed (xposted)
> Hi Denese,
> It's not my document I'm just helping out fellow HE'ers in
> trouble. I would think it'll be fine though as it's now in the public
> being posted willnilly all over the place by me and others. (g)
> BWs Elaine
> >Elaine,
> >Do you mind if I forward this to my Scottish friend? Who >happens to be a
> >documentary producer for public television, she may find >it
> >Denese
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Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).
> To unsubscribe from this group, click on the following link or address an
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