
Carol wrote:

>Hi Robin,

>Nice to see you here too! What's a "hidden Mickey?"

At this website, http://home.att.net/~jbouza/index.html
they define Hidden Mickeys as:
Hidden Mickeys are images of Mickey Mouse incorporated in the design of some of
the attractions and resorts on Walt Disney World property.* Usually the image
consists of a head and ears.* Other images include profiles of Mickey Mouse's
head with a pronounced nose and ears set in back.

"Hidden Mickeys", began as an inside joke by Walt Disney "Imagineers".*
"Imagineers" today continue to add "Hidden Mickeys" when
designing, constructing, or adding the finishing touches to an attraction or
resort area.* Although there is no official tracking of every "Hidden Mickey"
on Walt Disney World property, on the pages to follow you will find a list of
most of the "Hidden Mickeys" until today.

That website address also has a full list of all reported Hidden Mickeys on
property. Some of the more well known ones include in Splash Mountain,
there's one part that if you look up at the clouds, they're shaped like
Mickey. In Great Movie Ride (Disney-MGM Studios), in the gangster scene,
you look up at the top windows of one of the warehouse buildings, and there's
a silhouette of Mickey's head. It's a lot of fun, especially for those of us
who have been to Disney a million times... I printed them out and put them in
a binder that we bring with us sometimes.

It's great for honing their observation skills, and we all get so excited
when we find a new one!

Have a great day!
Orlando, FL