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I was scanning my news this morning and something caught my eye.

FORT GIBSON, Okla. (Dec. 6) - Four students at a rural middle school were
shot this morning and a middle school student was taken into custody.
Superintendent Steve Wilmoth said students were gathered outside before the 8
a.m. start of classes. ''Another student just walked up and opened fire on
them,'' he said. ''From what I know at this point it seems to be a random

Another child in yet another school harming friends. What is happening to
children in our nation? I am quickly forming the thoughts of prayer for
everyone involved. These children will live with the horror of this event for
all their days. My thoughts are racing and the question "Why?" stands out.

How many of these children will be mentally damaged? For as I think about
this (another shooting in our public schools), I think of my brother. A man
who spent time fighting in Viet Nam. Will these children relive this tragedy
much like he relives the forest? I am truly disheartened and ill at the
thoughts of it all.
stephanie coomer

May the love of God surround you this season!
Gift of Strangers - a stranger is a friend
you have yet to meet.
How many strangers have you befriended today?