Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 2709
In a message dated 12/13/02 7:32:36 AM Central Standard Time, writes:
<< Rain broke two bones in her arm today, >>
Oh no!! That's really terrible.
I'm sorry for the lousy hospital visit and all, I know what you mean about
the yucky feeling. I get almost nauseated when I smell a hospital and see the
equipment. Too many sad/icky memories of loved ones dying there.
Poor Rain.
I'm sending her healing vibes!!
Please check into homeopathic remedies, they can be extremely helpful when
nothing else will work. I have a friend that used a couple for a bad break
her son had. The follow up X-Rays couldn't pinpoint the break because it
healed so beautifully.
"Knowledge will not always take the place of simple observation."
~Arnold Lobel
Unschooling support at writes:
<< Rain broke two bones in her arm today, >>
Oh no!! That's really terrible.
I'm sorry for the lousy hospital visit and all, I know what you mean about
the yucky feeling. I get almost nauseated when I smell a hospital and see the
equipment. Too many sad/icky memories of loved ones dying there.
Poor Rain.
I'm sending her healing vibes!!
Please check into homeopathic remedies, they can be extremely helpful when
nothing else will work. I have a friend that used a couple for a bad break
her son had. The follow up X-Rays couldn't pinpoint the break because it
healed so beautifully.
"Knowledge will not always take the place of simple observation."
~Arnold Lobel
Unschooling support at
In a message dated 12/13/2002 5:32:54 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
-just comes out.
I think parents often respond from pain - the request for nourishment means
more to us. Yes, as you said parents voices but also what the child says
means something different to us. 'you didn't feed me enough" you haven't
bought the right groceries" we respnd to the expectation - get up and make
more - different - we're short on cash and they don't know that. We take it
personally. Stepping aside from our own "stuff" and just hearing a clean
simple request. and we don't have to do it all. "I am tired you may make
yourself something else to eat" "Yes but this or that is what you may have" .
I don't know maybe I've gone on about nothing but hearing people (including
our children) without taking things personally and being able to respond
honestly from our reality without worrying about expectations is a pretty big
undertaking in life.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] writes:
> If your child feels needy or unsatisfied, an insult won't satisfy him.Sandra I love reading your posts - the wisdom - hard sought after no doubt
> My mom tried that. She failed dozens of times, but saw it as a failing
> in
> ME, not in her.
> She told me, when I said "I'm hungry," variants from "No you're not" to
> "You
> have never been hungry a day in your life."
> Probably she heard those things from her parents, and rather than really
> think about what it might mean to me to have my mother hand me some food
> with
> a smile and a hug, she decided she didn't HAVE to do that, and maybe she
> could train me to stop asking.
-just comes out.
I think parents often respond from pain - the request for nourishment means
more to us. Yes, as you said parents voices but also what the child says
means something different to us. 'you didn't feed me enough" you haven't
bought the right groceries" we respnd to the expectation - get up and make
more - different - we're short on cash and they don't know that. We take it
personally. Stepping aside from our own "stuff" and just hearing a clean
simple request. and we don't have to do it all. "I am tired you may make
yourself something else to eat" "Yes but this or that is what you may have" .
I don't know maybe I've gone on about nothing but hearing people (including
our children) without taking things personally and being able to respond
honestly from our reality without worrying about expectations is a pretty big
undertaking in life.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]