Dorothea Thornton

I will be using Notebooking: A binder queen too book for some
writing. But you have any other suggestion plz help me. Starting in
January homeschooling.



on 12/5/02 3:34 PM, Dorothea Thornton at dlheater91@... wrote:

> I will be using Notebooking: A binder queen too book for some
> writing. But you have any other suggestion plz help me. Starting in
> January homeschooling.

Since this is an unschooling list the suggestions you're likely to get are
on the order of learning to appreciate the opportunities that life provides
for writing. And to learn to see that writing, like speaking, are methods
people use when they have ideas in their heads they feel the need to express
to others -- or sometimes to themselves. If there is no need to express,
then there isn't much need to write or speak.


Helen Hegener

At 5:05 AM -0500 12/6/02, Fetteroll wrote:
>Since this is an unschooling list the suggestions you're likely to get are
>on the order of learning to appreciate the opportunities that life provides
>for writing. And to learn to see that writing, like speaking, are methods
>people use when they have ideas in their heads they feel the need to express
>to others -- or sometimes to themselves. If there is no need to express,
>then there isn't much need to write or speak.

Yep. I see that in my five kids. The ones who are always
communicating or expressing themselves in one way or another -
talking, singing, drawing, writing - are the ones who've taken to
writing at great length, whether writing notes, filling out forms,
making lists, writing letters, writing in journals, or, like one son,
constantly writing stories. A couple of others, who are less
interested in communicating, and more interested in doing things with
their hands (they're both really into mechanics, classic car
restoring, and construction of various types), only occasionally
bother to write anything. I know they can, they just prefer not to.


Trisha R Sides

I have been mostly a lurker here, but I just HAVE to jump in on this one.
<G> To the mother of Lars- he's an excellent writer! I thought he shared
his thoughts very well! So he can't spell- big deal- there are lot's of
"educated" adults who can't either. That's what dictionary's are for, and
why every word processor comes with a spell-checker.Spelling is something
that comes natural to some and not others, and quite frankly phonetic
spelling is often more logical! If he needs to write something in life,
like a job resume, or letter, or whatever that requires correct spelling-
he can use those resources."Writing " is about saying what you want to
say, communicating your thoughts to others, NOT about spelling. In other
words, don't stress it <G>

Trisha Sides
mother of Gary, age 8,
unschooled from birth :)