Robyn Carter

Hello all;
Thank goodness someone finally mentioned homeopathy! I was sitting here,
being horrified and saddened by the conversations about allopathic
medicines, particularly anti-depressants, but didn't get it that I could've
mentioned homeopathy! DUH! I have had tremendous success treating my family
with nothing but homeopathy for the last 14 years. It is wonderful to have a
homeopathic physician, or some sort of holistic practitioner. I also think
even prescribing for your children yourself is a much better option than
trusting a physician steeped in Western medicine. Get yourself a good
book-I'd recommend "Homeopathic Medicine at Home" by Maesimund B. Panos, MD.

Mary Bianco

Well miracles never cease. I actually got Dimetapp into the baby, Dimetapp
cough into Sierra and a Claritan into Joseph. I'm still amazed they all took
something. Of course it was only one dose. <BG> It will be like the old joke
about going to school and after the first day, the child saying, "You mean I
have to do it again??"

So far everyone is doing fairly well and myhusband and I have been doing the
Zicam thing just in case. My oldest is never in the house long enough to
catch what we're giving!

And for those who celebrated, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Mary B

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