
I am a roving unschooler out of Vermont and would like to connect with any southern Arizona unschoolers. ???


> I am a roving unschooler out of Vermont and would like to connect with any
southern Arizona unschoolers. ???
> Clare

Hi Clare,

How southern is southern Arizona?
I'm in Phoenix, and also looking to connect with ANY unschoolers! :o)



On 19 Nov 02, at 11:54, Karin wrote:

> > I am a roving unschooler out of Vermont and would like to connect
> > with any
> southern Arizona unschoolers. ???
> > Clare
> Hi Clare,
> How southern is southern Arizona?
> I'm in Phoenix, and also looking to connect with ANY unschoolers! :o)
> Karin
You should come meet us at the Grand Canyon in two weeks then


"You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you are all the same."


> >
> > How southern is southern Arizona?
> > I'm in Phoenix, and also looking to connect with ANY unschoolers! :o)
> >
> > Karin
> >
> You should come meet us at the Grand Canyon in two weeks then
> :-)
> Shyrley

Ah, I'd love to, but I don't think we can make it.
We've got a lot going on around that time.
You know, it's that distance thing!
So close, but yet so far. :-/
