Mary Bianco

Well for dinner tonight, Sierra had bread. Nothing on it, just bread. Now
this is a kid who usually can't do without her chicken every night. She's a
good eater, but tonight I guess was a bread night!! I don't worry at all
about what the kids eat during the day. I'm with them and see that it evens
out. Sometimes not in a week, but it does. My son goes through periods of
liking just one thing for a long time. It use to be PB & J sandwiches. Then
it was cheese sandwiches. Then it was chips and sour cream. Each one would
last months. Now he's into chicken all of a sudden. He never eats meat
except for my meatballs in sauce. And the cheese is back again, but without

I swear that my oldest for years lived on pizza, sauce and macaroni,
butter/garlic macaroni, PB & J, french fries, dry cereal and pancakes. This
lasted from about the age of 3 until she was about 14! She did add fast food
chicken in there along the way. Now she'll even have steak and eat veggies
and soup and salad. It's amazing it's the same kid. Dont sweat it, Tara is
living proof it all works out. She's healthier than the majority of kids I

Mary B

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Stephanie Elms

I'm going to forward this on to my hubby. Luckily for Jason I was (am to a point but
much better) a picky eater, so I do understand where he is coming from. I do think
that he has me beat though! It actually has helped me hear that lots of other kids
just don't like variety...I have to keep reminding myself that this is normal for
lots of kids and is part of who Jason is....

Stephanie E.