Alan & Brenda Leonard

11/13/02 16:41:

> We get stopped everywhere we go so people can comment on her hair.
> Does any one else get that? And since dh, ds and myself are dark haired
> they all ask here it came from. Now we just say it's the luck of the
> Irish! (For those who just don't get the whole gene idea.)

It's astonishing how many people don't get the gene idea. We both have
brown hair, too. My husband used to quote them a Clairol number for awhile!
And of course then people have to tell me all about their grandkids
(neighbors, friends, nieces, whatever) who have red hair, TOO! <sigh>

When Tim was about 4, he went through a phase of answering that question,
"God", with a really "well, duh" sound to his voice. He still hates the
question, but tends to just ignore it these days.


My ds --who has dark hair like dh and me -- seems mored annoyed at the
questions than the red head! One day he finally said "Why do they keep
asking about her RED hair -- it isn't even red it's ORANGE!!"
But it will make for a good genetic discussion when they are a bit
older. :) Then they can explain it to the people in the supermarkets!!

:) Sharon

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