T***hat is the sickest crap I have seen in a long time. Who told your wife this?
I just really hope no one else has visited this site. But if you have and
would like to know the truth of the matter, please let me know. It never
ceases to amaze me what pro-lifers will come up with to scare and bully on
their way to dominate.***

Hi Nancy...
I did visit the site, actually, out of curiosity.
I'm now wondering what you mean by "the truth." How exactly is partial birth abortion different from those labelled drawings?


In a message dated 11/5/02 8:51:17 PM Central Standard Time,
patti.schmidt2@... writes:

> Hi Nancy...
> I did visit the site, actually, out of curiosity.
> I'm now wondering what you mean by "the truth." How exactly is partial
> birth abortion different from those labelled drawings?
> Patti

Well, doctors don't stab the fetus in the back of the head/neck with
scissors. If the fetus is already dead, they induce labor and deliver the
baby. If the fetus isn't dead and the health of the mother is at risk or the
fetuses head is too large because of hydrocephalous they insert a catheter in
the spinal column to draw out fluid so the head will decrease in size making
it easier to extract the fetus. Either way, abortion isn't and can't be made
nice. I just think that scaring women with ugly pictures and statements that
are partial truths isn't the way to educate and give informative choices.
Although this site used drawings, there are many sites that use inflammatory
pictures to get their point across.

Between Moly and Jack, I lost a baby. It was due on my birthday, and I had
this attachment to it that was more intense than the one I had with Moly
before she was born. At 22 weeks my doctor informed me the baby was not
alive. My choices were to either carry the baby until my body went into labor
(which normally a woman's body will do, but mine did not.) or to induce and
deliver. If I continued to carry the fetus, I ran the risk of severe
infection. Darin, my Mom, my doctor, and I talked and we decided that I
needed to deliver the baby. I was induced and prepared for an almost normal
delivery. Five hours into labor, a sonogram showed what hadn't been evident
before and my doctor explained that the fetuses head wouldn't pass through
and explained what he would have to do. I was devastated. But I got to hold
and love a baby for a while. If my doctor had stabbed the back of my baby's
head and sucked out the brains as this site describes the procedure, I
wouldn't have had that time.

Last month, I lost twins. This time at 14 weeks. Again, I never went into a
natural labor. Since the fetuses were small enough, I didn't go through what
I went through the first time. I was induced, I delivered and then I had a
routine D&C.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Rachel Ann

Hugs Nancy,

For all your losses. And thank you also for explaining about the procedure and how, why it is preformed. Unfortunately I do think it important that women like you tell your stories; otherwise women like you may not be around to tell their stories.

Hugs to you,
be well,
Rachel Ann

----- Original Message -----
From: Dnowens@...
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] partial birth abortion, was old vs. young earth

In a message dated 11/5/02 8:51:17 PM Central Standard Time,
patti.schmidt2@... writes:

> Hi Nancy...
> I did visit the site, actually, out of curiosity.
> I'm now wondering what you mean by "the truth." How exactly is partial
> birth abortion different from those labelled drawings?
> Patti

Well, doctors don't stab the fetus in the back of the head/neck with
scissors. If the fetus is already dead, they induce labor and deliver the
baby. If the fetus isn't dead and the health of the mother is at risk or the
fetuses head is too large because of hydrocephalous they insert a catheter in
the spinal column to draw out fluid so the head will decrease in size making
it easier to extract the fetus. Either way, abortion isn't and can't be made
nice. I just think that scaring women with ugly pictures and statements that
are partial truths isn't the way to educate and give informative choices.
Although this site used drawings, there are many sites that use inflammatory
pictures to get their point across.

Between Moly and Jack, I lost a baby. It was due on my birthday, and I had
this attachment to it that was more intense than the one I had with Moly
before she was born. At 22 weeks my doctor informed me the baby was not
alive. My choices were to either carry the baby until my body went into labor
(which normally a woman's body will do, but mine did not.) or to induce and
deliver. If I continued to carry the fetus, I ran the risk of severe
infection. Darin, my Mom, my doctor, and I talked and we decided that I
needed to deliver the baby. I was induced and prepared for an almost normal
delivery. Five hours into labor, a sonogram showed what hadn't been evident
before and my doctor explained that the fetuses head wouldn't pass through
and explained what he would have to do. I was devastated. But I got to hold
and love a baby for a while. If my doctor had stabbed the back of my baby's
head and sucked out the brains as this site describes the procedure, I
wouldn't have had that time.

Last month, I lost twins. This time at 14 weeks. Again, I never went into a
natural labor. Since the fetuses were small enough, I didn't go through what
I went through the first time. I was induced, I delivered and then I had a
routine D&C.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

~~~~ Don't forget! If you change topics, change the subject line! ~~~~

If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email the moderator, Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@...), or the list owner, Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).

To unsubscribe from this group, click on the following link or address an email to:

Visit the Unschooling website:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 11/6/2002 12:11:48 AM Central Standard Time,
Dnowens@... writes:

> Last month, I lost twins. This time at 14 weeks. Again, I never went into a
> natural labor. Since the fetuses were small enough, I didn't go through
> what
> I went through the first time. I was induced, I delivered and then I had a
> routine D&C.
> ~Nancy

Bless your heart. {{{}}}


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I just joined this list, and I felt the need to reply to this post.for
many reasons.

I too have experienced this. I was told at 22 weeks that my baby was not
"viable". I was given the option of letting my body take care getting
rid of the baby, or take matters into my own hands. With a husband who
traveled and a toddler at home, going into labour alone was not an
option. This would have been considered a "partial birth abortion". But
it was not my choice! I wanted and loved this baby, I did not want to
giver her up. I am so offended and furious when people who do not know
my story make the assumption that all abortions are wrong or even
voluntary. I would have given just about anything to have kept this
baby. And following this loss I experienced another loss. Then finally I
had a wonderful baby boy.who is now 2. Nancy, I know how you feel, and
my heart goes out to you and anyone else who has to make this horrible

This brings me to my second reason for replying to this post.well, not
this one specifically, but the whole thread.

Is this what this list is all about? I am not here for a debate; I am
here to share Homeschooling feelings, beliefs, philosophies, and
methods. If I wanted to debate there are LOTS of other places to go. If
this is what I can expect from this list I will soon be leaving!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dnowens@... [mailto:Dnowens@...]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:11 AM
Subject: Possible SPAM (accuracy medium): Re: [Unschooling-dotcom]
partial birth abortion, was old vs. young earth

In a message dated 11/5/02 8:51:17 PM Central Standard Time,
patti.schmidt2@... writes:

> Hi Nancy...
> I did visit the site, actually, out of curiosity.
> I'm now wondering what you mean by "the truth." How exactly is
> birth abortion different from those labelled drawings?
> Patti

Well, doctors don't stab the fetus in the back of the head/neck with
scissors. If the fetus is already dead, they induce labor and deliver
baby. If the fetus isn't dead and the health of the mother is at risk or
fetuses head is too large because of hydrocephalous they insert a
catheter in
the spinal column to draw out fluid so the head will decrease in size
it easier to extract the fetus. Either way, abortion isn't and can't be
nice. I just think that scaring women with ugly pictures and statements
are partial truths isn't the way to educate and give informative
Although this site used drawings, there are many sites that use
pictures to get their point across.

Between Moly and Jack, I lost a baby. It was due on my birthday, and I
this attachment to it that was more intense than the one I had with Moly

before she was born. At 22 weeks my doctor informed me the baby was not
alive. My choices were to either carry the baby until my body went into
(which normally a woman's body will do, but mine did not.) or to induce
deliver. If I continued to carry the fetus, I ran the risk of severe
infection. Darin, my Mom, my doctor, and I talked and we decided that I
needed to deliver the baby. I was induced and prepared for an almost
delivery. Five hours into labor, a sonogram showed what hadn't been
before and my doctor explained that the fetuses head wouldn't pass
and explained what he would have to do. I was devastated. But I got to
and love a baby for a while. If my doctor had stabbed the back of my
head and sucked out the brains as this site describes the procedure, I
wouldn't have had that time.

Last month, I lost twins. This time at 14 weeks. Again, I never went
into a
natural labor. Since the fetuses were small enough, I didn't go through
I went through the first time. I was induced, I delivered and then I had
routine D&C.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

~~~~ Don't forget! If you change topics, change the subject line! ~~~~

If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email
the moderator, Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@...), or the list
owner, Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).

To unsubscribe from this group, click on the following link or address
an email to:

Visit the Unschooling website:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!
<> Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I just joined this list, and I felt the need to reply to this post.for
many reasons.

I too have experienced this. I was told at 22 weeks that my baby was not
"viable". I was given the option of letting my body take care getting
rid of the baby, or take matters into my own hands. With a husband who
traveled and a toddler at home, going into labour alone was not an
option. This would have been considered a "partial birth abortion". But
it was not my choice! I wanted and loved this baby, I did not want to
giver her up. I am so offended and furious when people who do not know
my story make the assumption that all abortions are wrong or even
voluntary. I would have given just about anything to have kept this
baby. And following this loss I experienced another loss. Then finally I
had a wonderful baby boy.who is now 2. Nancy, I know how you feel, and
my heart goes out to you and anyone else who has to make this horrible

This brings me to my second reason for replying to this post.well, not
this one specifically, but the whole thread.

Is this what this list is all about? I am not here for a debate; I am
here to share Homeschooling feelings, beliefs, philosophies, and
methods. If I wanted to debate there are LOTS of other places to go. If
this is what I can expect from this list I will soon be leaving!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dnowens@... [mailto:Dnowens@...]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:11 AM
Subject: Possible SPAM (accuracy medium): Re: [Unschooling-dotcom]
partial birth abortion, was old vs. young earth

In a message dated 11/5/02 8:51:17 PM Central Standard Time,
patti.schmidt2@... writes:

> Hi Nancy...
> I did visit the site, actually, out of curiosity.
> I'm now wondering what you mean by "the truth." How exactly is
> birth abortion different from those labelled drawings?
> Patti

Well, doctors don't stab the fetus in the back of the head/neck with
scissors. If the fetus is already dead, they induce labor and deliver
baby. If the fetus isn't dead and the health of the mother is at risk or
fetuses head is too large because of hydrocephalous they insert a
catheter in
the spinal column to draw out fluid so the head will decrease in size
it easier to extract the fetus. Either way, abortion isn't and can't be
nice. I just think that scaring women with ugly pictures and statements
are partial truths isn't the way to educate and give informative
Although this site used drawings, there are many sites that use
pictures to get their point across.

Between Moly and Jack, I lost a baby. It was due on my birthday, and I
this attachment to it that was more intense than the one I had with Moly

before she was born. At 22 weeks my doctor informed me the baby was not
alive. My choices were to either carry the baby until my body went into
(which normally a woman's body will do, but mine did not.) or to induce
deliver. If I continued to carry the fetus, I ran the risk of severe
infection. Darin, my Mom, my doctor, and I talked and we decided that I
needed to deliver the baby. I was induced and prepared for an almost
delivery. Five hours into labor, a sonogram showed what hadn't been
before and my doctor explained that the fetuses head wouldn't pass
and explained what he would have to do. I was devastated. But I got to
and love a baby for a while. If my doctor had stabbed the back of my
head and sucked out the brains as this site describes the procedure, I
wouldn't have had that time.

Last month, I lost twins. This time at 14 weeks. Again, I never went
into a
natural labor. Since the fetuses were small enough, I didn't go through
I went through the first time. I was induced, I delivered and then I had
routine D&C.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

~~~~ Don't forget! If you change topics, change the subject line! ~~~~

If you have questions, concerns or problems with this list, please email
the moderator, Joyce Fetteroll (fetteroll@...), or the list
owner, Helen Hegener (HEM-Editor@...).

To unsubscribe from this group, click on the following link or address
an email to:

Visit the Unschooling website:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!
<> Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tia Leschke

> Is this what this list is all about? I am not here for a debate; I am
> here to share Homeschooling feelings, beliefs, philosophies, and
> methods. If I wanted to debate there are LOTS of other places to go. If
> this is what I can expect from this list I will soon be leaving!

This debate is one of *many* things that this list is about. This is a high
traffic list. You have to get good with the delete key to stay here, but
I've learned things about unschooling in the last year or so here that I
never would have learned anywhere else.