Alan & Brenda Leonard

>>> They have a kind of cut to make that doesn't take
>>> off the end of the foreskin. It's a little cut, it bleeds, it's symbolism
is intact (and so is the penis).

>> That's very wonderful.
>> Tuck

> Really? Cutting and making it bleed for symbolism is better than cutting all
> the way?

Yes. Isn't the point that it's better in some way or another for a man to
keep his foreskin? I think it's terrific that there is an answer out there
that could meet the needs of both sides.

Just because the symbolism is meaningless to you doesn't mean it's not
extraordinarily important to the family. Some of us really like symbolism.
Some people *need* the symbolism of their religion to support their faith.
Is that wrong?

the Episcopalian, often accused of liking the pagentry more than the point.

In a message dated 11/1/02 4:21:29 PM Central Standard Time,
abtleo@... writes:

> Yes. Isn't the point that it's better in some way or another for a man to
> keep his foreskin? I think it's terrific that there is an answer out there
> that could meet the needs of both sides.

I'm about to say something unpopular here. I don't think it is that important
to keep the foreskin. I don't think it traumatizes boys. That said...

> Just because the symbolism is meaningless to you doesn't mean it's not
> extraordinarily important to the family. Some of us really like symbolism.
> Some people *need* the symbolism of their religion to support their faith.
> Is that wrong?

I think you took my question wrong. I didn't write it with any sarcasm or mal
intent. I think that religion and symbolism are beautiful and important. That
wasn't the basis of my question. I see it didn't come across that way. I
should have said. *Since you feel the removal of the of the foreskin is so
terrible for a baby, why is cutting it any different?* And I do understand
that many people feel that the removal of the foreskin is a malicious thing.
And I do understand that if you are Jewish and faith is important and you
believe the above as well, then you are in conflict. What I don't see is how
you can believe in keeping the foreskin because of not wanting to inflict
such pain on a baby, and still make even the smallest of cuts. I mean, I DO
understand why, I'm not that dense, the idea just doesn't sit with me very

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In a message dated 11/1/02 4:26:23 PM, Dnowens@... writes:

<< And I do understand
that many people feel that the removal of the foreskin is a malicious thing.

"Malicious?" Deforming.

<<What I don't see is how
you can believe in keeping the foreskin because of not wanting to inflict
such pain on a baby, and still make even the smallest of cuts.>>

The anti-circumcision arguments are about more than just the SEVERE pain it
inflicts on infants, but that a useful, operational part of a man's sexual
organ is taken off by people who didn't know or care what its natural
function was.

If you haven't read much about circumcision problems, or about female
circumcision, I'm not really recommending that you do. It is HORRIBLE.
Really sickening. But if you're not willing to read it, maybe consider
backing off of saying it's not a big deal.


In a message dated 11/1/02 6:47:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> AElflaed

Oh Oh, she's morphing.

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In a message dated 11/2/02 1:50:29 PM, Earthmomma67@... writes:

<< > AElflaed

Oh Oh, she's morphing.

Oooooops. Sorry. I've had a lot of SCA mail lately and sometimes I mix up

The DuckfordU I have for yahoogroups was NOT my first choice. I used to have
Sandra Dodd, but when yahoo took over whatever chatgroup company I had been
with, mine wouldn't work anymore so I had to use another screename.

My SCA name is AElflaed of Duckford, and DuckfordU was for Duckford
University, the kinda joke name for me and my SCA apprentices and proteges.

Nowadays I have no students. They all advanced to a higher level. And I'm
not doing much SCA. But this week there was a spate of activity. That's why
I accidently morphed. <g>


In a message dated 11/2/02 4:11:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> Nowadays I have no students. They all advanced to a higher level. And I'm
> not doing much SCA. But this week there was a spate of activity. That's
> why
> I accidently morphed. <g>
> Sandra

I attributed it to the passion with which you were writing that email.
Kind of like The Hulk.

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