A chance to help -OT
Scout Gibson
I am sending this to request your help. My husband and
I have become involved with a group of parents who
have had children in the NICU at St. John's Mercy in
St. Louis, Missouri. Our Jakob was born at 24weeks
gestation (1lb. 10oz) and was at St. John's for a long
while. By the time we left, we had become very
attached to the hospital and the NICU. We decided to
get involved with this group to help other families
who are going through a crisis such as ours.
Below is a form for our annual fundraiser (of which I
am in charge!), "Letters From Santa". Please check it
out and see if it is something you are interested in
sharing with your little ones. We are trying to boost
our efforts this year, so please forward this to
anyone who you think might be interested (co-workers,
friends, relatives, etc).
Thanks in advance for your support.
Scout Gibson
Mom to Jakob Roar 12/00
Letters from Santa!
Imagine the delight in your children�s eyes when they
receive a letter from Santa Claus. What better way to
spread Christmas joy than to give your child a
friendly surprise or tell a friend or relative you are
thinking about them? With just a little information
from you, the St. John�s Mercy NICUPs will send your
loved ones a personalized letter from Santa. Get a
jump-start on Christmas by requesting your letters
Who are the NICUPs? We are a group of graduate parents
from the St. John�s Mercy Medical Center Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit who provide support for families
with babies in the NICU. Having a child in the NICU is
an overwhelming emotional crisis for families to
endure and we offer support during this difficult
time. In the past, we have used the proceeds from our
annual fundraiser to provide new furniture for the
parent waiting areas and toys to occupy siblings while
visiting the unit. This year, we hope to receive
enough donations to purchase new Medela breast pumps
for the NICU. Breastfeeding is imperative to the
health of these small infants because it provides the
necessary antibodies and nutrients that they are
missing by being born too early. We currently have a
shortage of pumps available for our mothers to use
while in the unit. Our goal is to make the pumps
readily available so that we may encourage more moms
to provide this source of nutrition for their babies
while establishing a stronger connection with their
Because we are expanding the services we hope to
perform this year, we are asking for extra help from
you this season. Please circulate our forms to any
friends, family, or co-workers who may want their own
letters from Santa. The joy you help to spread will be
felt resoundingly through the NICU all year long.
Additional forms can be requested by emailing
Thank you,
Santa�s Helpers
Just complete the information below and mail to:
NICUP Santa Letter
1058 Raisher Drive
University City, MO 63130
For more information, please email
A donation of $5 per letter is greatly appreciated.
Please make checks payable to: SJMMC NICUPs.
Please send orders by December 15, letters to be
mailed between December 16-18.
Name of child:
Boy_______ Girl________ Age___________
Special accomplishments at home or at
One thing child needs to work on at home(ex. cleaning
room) _____________________________________
Santa will receive updates by checking with:
Mom________ Dad _________ Teacher ____________
Address of child
City_____________________________ State_________ Zip
Names of siblings, family members, or pets that live
with child ____________________________________
For additional letters, please write information on
separate piece of paper.
Letters from Santa!
Imagine the delight in your children�s eyes when they
receive a letter from Santa Claus. What better way to
spread Christmas joy than to give your child a
friendly surprise or tell a friend or relative you are
thinking about them? With just a little information
from you, the St. John�s Mercy NICUPs will send your
loved ones a personalized letter from Santa. Get a
jump-start on Christmas by requesting your letters
Who are the NICUPs? We are a group of graduate parents
from the St. John�s Mercy Medical Center Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit who provide support for families
with babies in the NICU. Having a child in the NICU is
an overwhelming emotional crisis for families to
endure and we offer support during this difficult
time. In the past, we have used the proceeds from our
annual fundraiser to provide new furniture for the
parent waiting areas and toys to occupy siblings while
visiting the unit. This year, we hope to receive
enough donations to purchase new Medela breast pumps
for the NICU. Breastfeeding is imperative to the
health of these small infants because it provides the
necessary antibodies and nutrients that they are
missing by being born too early. We currently have a
shortage of pumps available for our mothers to use
while in the unit. Our goal is to make the pumps
readily available so that we may encourage more moms
to provide this source of nutrition for their babies
while establishing a stronger connection with their
Because we are expanding the services we hope to
perform this year, we are asking for extra help from
you this season. Please circulate our forms to any
friends, family, or co-workers who may want their own
letters from Santa. The joy you help to spread will be
felt resoundingly through the NICU all year long.
Additional forms can be requested by emailing
Thank you for your kindness and generosity in the
past, we greatly appreciate your support.
Just complete the information below and mail to:
NICUP Santa Letter, 1058 Raisher Drive, University
City, MO 63130
OR use the enclosed self-addressed, postage paid
For more information, please email
A donation of $5.00 per letter is greatly appreciated.
Please make checks payable to: SJMMC NICUPs
Please send orders by December 15, letters will be
mailed between December 16-18
Name of child:
Boy_______ Girl________ Age___________
Special accomplishments at home or at
One thing child needs to work on at home(ex. cleaning
room) _____________________________________
Santa will receive updates by checking with:
Mom________ Dad _________ Teacher ____________
Address of child
City_____________________________ State_________ Zip
Names of siblings, family members, or pets that live
with child ____________________________________
For additional letters, please write information on
separate piece of paper.
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I have become involved with a group of parents who
have had children in the NICU at St. John's Mercy in
St. Louis, Missouri. Our Jakob was born at 24weeks
gestation (1lb. 10oz) and was at St. John's for a long
while. By the time we left, we had become very
attached to the hospital and the NICU. We decided to
get involved with this group to help other families
who are going through a crisis such as ours.
Below is a form for our annual fundraiser (of which I
am in charge!), "Letters From Santa". Please check it
out and see if it is something you are interested in
sharing with your little ones. We are trying to boost
our efforts this year, so please forward this to
anyone who you think might be interested (co-workers,
friends, relatives, etc).
Thanks in advance for your support.
Scout Gibson
Mom to Jakob Roar 12/00
Letters from Santa!
Imagine the delight in your children�s eyes when they
receive a letter from Santa Claus. What better way to
spread Christmas joy than to give your child a
friendly surprise or tell a friend or relative you are
thinking about them? With just a little information
from you, the St. John�s Mercy NICUPs will send your
loved ones a personalized letter from Santa. Get a
jump-start on Christmas by requesting your letters
Who are the NICUPs? We are a group of graduate parents
from the St. John�s Mercy Medical Center Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit who provide support for families
with babies in the NICU. Having a child in the NICU is
an overwhelming emotional crisis for families to
endure and we offer support during this difficult
time. In the past, we have used the proceeds from our
annual fundraiser to provide new furniture for the
parent waiting areas and toys to occupy siblings while
visiting the unit. This year, we hope to receive
enough donations to purchase new Medela breast pumps
for the NICU. Breastfeeding is imperative to the
health of these small infants because it provides the
necessary antibodies and nutrients that they are
missing by being born too early. We currently have a
shortage of pumps available for our mothers to use
while in the unit. Our goal is to make the pumps
readily available so that we may encourage more moms
to provide this source of nutrition for their babies
while establishing a stronger connection with their
Because we are expanding the services we hope to
perform this year, we are asking for extra help from
you this season. Please circulate our forms to any
friends, family, or co-workers who may want their own
letters from Santa. The joy you help to spread will be
felt resoundingly through the NICU all year long.
Additional forms can be requested by emailing
Thank you,
Santa�s Helpers
Just complete the information below and mail to:
NICUP Santa Letter
1058 Raisher Drive
University City, MO 63130
For more information, please email
A donation of $5 per letter is greatly appreciated.
Please make checks payable to: SJMMC NICUPs.
Please send orders by December 15, letters to be
mailed between December 16-18.
Name of child:
Boy_______ Girl________ Age___________
Special accomplishments at home or at
One thing child needs to work on at home(ex. cleaning
room) _____________________________________
Santa will receive updates by checking with:
Mom________ Dad _________ Teacher ____________
Address of child
City_____________________________ State_________ Zip
Names of siblings, family members, or pets that live
with child ____________________________________
For additional letters, please write information on
separate piece of paper.
Letters from Santa!
Imagine the delight in your children�s eyes when they
receive a letter from Santa Claus. What better way to
spread Christmas joy than to give your child a
friendly surprise or tell a friend or relative you are
thinking about them? With just a little information
from you, the St. John�s Mercy NICUPs will send your
loved ones a personalized letter from Santa. Get a
jump-start on Christmas by requesting your letters
Who are the NICUPs? We are a group of graduate parents
from the St. John�s Mercy Medical Center Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit who provide support for families
with babies in the NICU. Having a child in the NICU is
an overwhelming emotional crisis for families to
endure and we offer support during this difficult
time. In the past, we have used the proceeds from our
annual fundraiser to provide new furniture for the
parent waiting areas and toys to occupy siblings while
visiting the unit. This year, we hope to receive
enough donations to purchase new Medela breast pumps
for the NICU. Breastfeeding is imperative to the
health of these small infants because it provides the
necessary antibodies and nutrients that they are
missing by being born too early. We currently have a
shortage of pumps available for our mothers to use
while in the unit. Our goal is to make the pumps
readily available so that we may encourage more moms
to provide this source of nutrition for their babies
while establishing a stronger connection with their
Because we are expanding the services we hope to
perform this year, we are asking for extra help from
you this season. Please circulate our forms to any
friends, family, or co-workers who may want their own
letters from Santa. The joy you help to spread will be
felt resoundingly through the NICU all year long.
Additional forms can be requested by emailing
Thank you for your kindness and generosity in the
past, we greatly appreciate your support.
Just complete the information below and mail to:
NICUP Santa Letter, 1058 Raisher Drive, University
City, MO 63130
OR use the enclosed self-addressed, postage paid
For more information, please email
A donation of $5.00 per letter is greatly appreciated.
Please make checks payable to: SJMMC NICUPs
Please send orders by December 15, letters will be
mailed between December 16-18
Name of child:
Boy_______ Girl________ Age___________
Special accomplishments at home or at
One thing child needs to work on at home(ex. cleaning
room) _____________________________________
Santa will receive updates by checking with:
Mom________ Dad _________ Teacher ____________
Address of child
City_____________________________ State_________ Zip
Names of siblings, family members, or pets that live
with child ____________________________________
For additional letters, please write information on
separate piece of paper.
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