
Came across some pages from journals, etc., that the Pilgrims kept (we were
doing Thanksgiving stuff) and thought this one would be of interest
considering this being a homeschooling list and the discussions about the
current state of juvenile delinquency:

"some of our menfolk have an English grammar school education and a few
men, like Elder Brewster, are college educated."

"we have neither school nor schoolmaster here, but our elders hope for a
schoolmaster soon to come from England. We learn obedience from our
parents and if we are naughty we are told to 'go mend our manners or we
will get a proper thump on the britch!' It is our father who will find
himself before the village magistrate and, indeed, in the stocks if he will
not look to our behavior. Then all the village shall pass by and stare at
him and make dreadful comment."

